Other Music

Lady Gaga


By Smeg (Feb 12, 2011) (#26)


Last edited by Smeg (Jun 10, 2011)


By limonna2 (Apr 07, 2011) (#27)

Lady Gaga is very unpredictable singer! for that I love her!

By Angela (Apr 15, 2011) (#28)

Arriving a few days ahead of schedule is "Judas".  That euro-pop style chorus is both surprising and delightful.

By Angela (May 10, 2011) (#29)

"The Edge of Glory" is up next.  This might be her safest sounding song yet, but man, that sax by Clarence 'The Big Man' Clemons = WIN.

Last edited by Angela (Aug 09, 2011)


By Bernhardt (May 10, 2011) (#30)

Angela wrote:

"The Edge of Glory" is up next.  This might be her safest sounding song yet...

The way I've always seen it, original artists usually start off doing whatever the blip they want, and their earliest stuff is usually their most experimental; further on in their career, as they might be declining in popularity or relevance, they start doing more stuff that's going to be more universally accepted, because they just want to sell units. Or maybe it's the other way around. I dunno. Not doin' a whole lot of research for this part of the paper...

Other than that, what other social injustice do you suppose she'll try and cash in on? I think she peaked with getting "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" repealed...don't ever think that she didn't have a hand in swaying public opinion over that one...

Last edited by Bernhardt (May 10, 2011)

By Angela (May 23, 2011) (#31)

Anyone heard the full "Born This Way" album yet?  Thoughts?

I bought the two-disc deluxe version today, and after giving it a couple playthroughs, I'm extremely impressed.  While the bulk of the remixes featured on the second disc are kind of throwaway (I do like the Country Road Version of Born This Way), the core seventeen tracks are absolutely solid stuff.  I'm loving the hair-metal dance pop vibe that Gaga went for here, as illustrated by tracks like Bad Kids, Electric Chapel, and Marry The Night.   But it's the huge, sweeping anthem-rock songs that are the big winners, such as the aforementioned The Edge of Glory, The Queen, and Highway Unicorn.  (The hook in Unicorn's main stanza that runs from 0:38 to 1:05 is ADDICTING as anything.)

The Pat Benatar-influenced Hair and the 80s style Whitney Houston beats in Fashion of His Love are quickly climbing up the ranks with every listen as well.  Just really, really fun songs all around.

Last edited by Angela (Aug 16, 2011)

By Angela (Jun 10, 2011) (#32)

Videos like this one remind me just how spectacular Gaga's voice really is.  She should release an album devoted to acoustic/piano performances alone.

Also, Hair truly is the best song on the new album.  Clarence Clemons' sax playing is god's work.

Last edited by Angela (Aug 16, 2011)

By GoldfishX (Aug 09, 2011) (#33)


Count me in as a fan of hers now. One of the few instances where the style has some substance behind it and in Gaga's case, that substance is some disgustingly good hooks. Nothing in recent memory has quite stayed stuck in my mind the way a number of her songs have recently ("Eh Eh Nothing I Can Say", "Pokerface", "Telephone", "Hair", "Black Jesus", "Bloody Mary" and "Heavy Metal Lover" chorus being the primary culprits). The electropop style was pretty foreign to me, but her actual voice is really good, so the style grows on me (and her songs are way more exciting than Freezepop, which I occasionally enjoy, but have never been crazy about beyond RB/GH songs) and I'm re-rating a lot of songs I didn't like initially.

One thing I'm not picking up on...I've seen Iron Maiden listed as an influence and I just don't hear or see it. I can hear Queen a bit (with the way the vocals are sampled/layered) and definitely Pat Benatar (Gaga should seriously cover "Invincible"), but zero hint of Maiden.

Of the three albums, Born This Way is my favorite by far (as evidenced by my song list above). Out of 17 songs, only three I didn't like (Government Hooker, Americano and You & I) and two that were good, but kinda lackluster -Bad Kids and Fashion of His Love-. Out of the remaining 12 (a good number for ANY pop album), Hair, Judas, Electric Chapel, The Queen and The Edge of Glory were all worthy of 5 stars, and pretty much everything else is nipping on their heels and racking up playtime.

So yeah...Lady Gaga...surprisingly good shit. Fame well deserved.

By Angela (Aug 10, 2011) (#34)

Another little monster joins the flock.  Welcome. wink

Though it does seem we have some that left as well.  Really surprised that discussion on the new album has been so mum.

Looking forward to seeing the "You and I" video next.  I'm rooting for a Brian May cameo.

By Razakin (Aug 10, 2011) (#35)

Heard my first Gaga song last weekend, I think it was Judas. And I suddenly got the feeling that Gaga's fame is somewhat build on the looks and the media circus around that, at least the track felt just 'meh'. But then, what I know, I just listen bleeps and bloops mostly. :P