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updated Harper's China visit ends with panda pact

Prime Minister Stephen Harper wrapped up a visit to China aimed seeking new investments by officially announcing that Beijing will loan two of the country's prized giant pandas to Canadian zoos. 8:34 AM ET

Greek cabinet approves new austerity bill

The Greek cabinet on Friday approved a draft bill that would clear the way for further austerity and economic reforms that are a condition of a new €130 billion ($172 billion Cdn) bailout by the European Union and the IMF needed to avoid a disorderly default. 8:19 PM ET video

updated Harper says human rights talk with China is paying off

In an exclusive interview airing on CBC Radio's The House Saturday, Prime Minister Stephen Harper says raising the issue of human rights is paying off but warns the Chinese and "other governments" to help shape a positive future for Syria. 7:11 AM ET

Santorum calls on conservatives to reject Romney

Presidential candidate Rick Santorum implored conservatives not to settle for Mitt Romney's more moderate record, and nominate an unapologetic conservative that "the party's excited about." 5:04 PM ET video

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  • Inside Egyptian military's business web Feb. 10, 2012 1:51 PM When it got out of the business of war with Israel, Egypt's military got into the business of business. Over and under the table; on and off the books. Even using conscripts as cheap labour. CBC's Margaret Evans found shopkeeping generals rather reluctant to talk shop though.

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