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Valentine's Day

Celebrate Valentine's Day with cards and printables featuring your favorite Disney characters. Choose a craft, dessert recipe, or plan a romantic getaway.

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Valentine's Day

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Marga_E says:
February 12, 2010

Why don't you give your partner something she'll truly appreciate? An item she wants, perhaps a dinner or movie date. So what are some good Valentine's Day movies? Well, it depends on what you like - if sci-fi and 3 hours long don't bother you - you have Avatar. If you want a horror flick, there's The Wolfman or The Lovely Bones if you like a murder mystery. For Harry Potter types, there's Percy Jackson and The Olympians. (Pierce Brosnan must have needed payday loans or something.) The only romance movie that jumps out is Dear John, except the girl ditches him in the first half hour.

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