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Family Movie Night: Night at the Museum

Have an adventure at home with the Ben Stiller comedy "Night at the Museum."
Night at the Museum

Have an adventure at home with the Ben Stiller comedy "Night at the Museum." Bond with the kids over an evening themed after the movie, complete with museum "exhibits," cowboy chow, and curator crafts.

Read our review.
Make sure your little museum guards are up for the film.

Pick up the DVD at the gift shop.
Available in widescreen or full screen DVDs, and Blu-ray disk.

Visit the interactive kitchen exhibit.
Try out these recipes that perfectly compliment the movie:

Curate your own family's exhibits.
To really get into the spirit of things, try out these exciting crafts. We think you'll like movie even more if you watch it wearing your pair of dinosaur shoes.

Dig into history.
Brush up on everything you wanted to know about cowboys, President Roosevelt, dinosaurs, and the Museum of Natural History.

Back to Family Movie Night.

Photo courtesy 20th Century Fox.

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Family Movie Night: Night at the Museum

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404momi says:
May 24, 2009

Hi Disney - My family has been waiting with bated breath for Part II of Night at the Museum to come out. We enjoyed it, however it wont get our reccomendation because of the profanity. If this is indeed a family movie - why the profanity??? It was totally unnecessary and in poor taste.

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eramirez520 says:
June 19, 2007

Loved it! The concept was great....work together as a team! It was cute. Oh! The best was Ann Meara working with her son.That was great she was wonderful. They should do more work together, I can never get enough of those two.

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toohipmum says:
June 13, 2007

The 'Night at the Museum' movie is so excellent. It's funny and slightly educational with a positive message. Of course you just have to have chili and popcorn and a banana milk shake to go with the movie.

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