
Explore Disney Fun

Jack Sparrow Voodoo Doll

Pirates of the Caribbean
Crafts & Recipes

Avast ye, mateys! Use our quick and fun instructions to make your own pirate accessories, treats, and loot, inspired by Pirates of the Caribbean.
Jack Sparrow's Guide to Being a Pirate

Jack Sparrow's Pirate Guide

Take this trusty guide along whenever you set sail on the high seas.
Cross-My-Heart Pendant

Cross-My-Heart Pendant

This lacy crossbones-topped heart makes a fun addition to any young pirate fan's jewelry stash.

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Disney Pirate Crafts & Recipes

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Zacksmom24 says:
May 19, 2011

I went to the local appliance store got refrigerator boxes & the protective plastic corner forms - spray painted boxes black (aka Black Pearl) made a mast used corn on the cob holders to hold towels as sail in place cut open the back - for easy running in & out - water balloon cannon balls in each ship- the kids had a blast - best part end of the party break them down & into the recycling they went

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