
Popular Disney Crafts

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Princess Leia Headband

Princess Leia Headband

Leia's fancy hairdo is a fashion must-do for aspiring Star Wars princesses. Any kid can sport Leia's look by creating this simple headband. Braid yarn and roll it into two buns, then glue the buns to a headband.

You'll need:


1. Cut two circles of felt, using the template.

2. Cut 20 pieces of yarn, each 3 feet in length. Divide in half and tie each bundle with a small piece of yarn. Braid both bundles, tying the ends with a second small piece of yarn.

3. Glue the end of one braid to the center of a felt circle using the low-temperature glue gun.

4. Slowly wrap the braid, gluing the inside edge of the braid as you wrap.

5. When you reach the end of the braid, tuck in the loose end and glue to secure.

6. Repeat the process with the second braid and felt circle.

7. Cut two small strips of felt.

8. Attach each bun to the end of the headband by adding a dab of glue to the felt strips and then attaching these to the felt circles. Do not glue the entire bun to the headband, as you'll want the ends of the headband to go behind the ears, while the buns fall over them.

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Princess Leia Headband

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Apollosan says:
December 11, 2011

This is such a great thing to discover " Braid yarn and roll it into two buns, then glue the buns to a headband." I appreciate you sharing this to me.....Thank you and more power....


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