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6 Reasons Moms Should Try Tweeting

Posted July 16, 2009
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Posted July 9, 2009 by Jackie Morgan MacDougall

My name is Jackie and I'm an addict.

(Hi, Jackie.)

But my vice isn't of the artificial stimulant variety. It's the Internet, specifically social networking sites. Facebook, Twitter, Family.com's community - I can't get enough. But I'm not alone. (Otherwise, I'd just be online talking to myself, right?) When moms everywhere find themselves with a minute of that elusive free time, they're turning to (and on) their computers. Here's a breakdown of some popular sites and how they can work for you.

Facebook: What is it? According to the Facebook site, it's a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them.

My Breakdown: You create a profile with your info and photos. Then you can begin to search for people you know and "friend" them. Very quickly, you'll find yourself addicted to seeking out everyone you've ever met to check out their profile.

When I asked my own Facebook friends why they log on, they all cited keeping up with friends and family as a main reason, some they haven't seen in 10 or 20 years! (Who doesn't love new baby pics or to see who got fat since high school?) One work-at-home mom says it's her way to get the "water cooler" talk that you get at the office without leaving the house.

Warning: The virtual games, cool quizzes and additional time-sucking applications can distort reality. If you need to make it to that dentist appointment, soccer game or meeting at work, set an alarm or wait until after to log on. Hours can disappear in just seconds.

Bigger warning: It's OK to search for that old flame, but do yourself a favor and do NOT "friend" him. Many have made that mistake... there's no going back. I'll just leave it at that. Trust me.

Twitter: What is it? According to the creators, it's a free social messaging utility for staying connected in real-time.

My Break Down: You create a profile and start "following" others based on interest. The site's "What are you doing?" question has been a jumpstart to many important communications. While some use it to journal throughout the day with inane updates like "I just brushed my teeth" and ""Oww, this hangnail hurts," many use it to create conversation, get information, and find people with common hobbies and passions. The only catch, you have to get your thought out in 140 characters or less. (Try it, not always easy!)

Twitter has been making news lately... and breaking it. As violence erupted in Iran and media outlets were banned, Iranians took to the Web to tweet about all that was happening. And when a bank customer found herself in the middle of a heist recently, she didn't hit the floor - she hit her phone. Tweeting to her 1900 followers through the ordeal, she made Twitter first time history. While it shows what technology can do, I'm thinking you might want to take cover if you find yourself in the same situation.

Some other cool - yet less dangerous -- ways to use Twitter:

• Stay informed with up-to-the-minute breaking news by following users like CNN, TodayShow and FoxNews.

• Get links to interesting stories, huge sales and other features you wouldn't necessarily know about otherwise.

• See what's on top of mind for President Obama's staff through their regular updates from the White House.

• Have a beef with a big company? They want to know about it. In fact, I've seen Home Depot respond directly to many complaints by Twitter members. And sometimes, users ask a question that would take three hours on hold waiting for a live person and get immediate feedback! And when I tweeted (the term used for the actual status update) that I wanted to know what companies respond to customer tweets, I got several responses sharing some of the companies who are ready, willing and able to step up.

BecThomasPhoto: Microsoft will respond to you if their name pops up in a tweet. My friend found out when they asked her if they could be of any help to fix her problem, very polite and courteous about it -- great marketing!

Aletheaanderson: I posted that I was peeved at Charter Cable, then a Charter rep popped over to offer help.

Amykramer: I tweeted about Hot Wheels the other day and @hotwheelsonline and @toysrus followed.

And if you're into guilty-pleasure celeb updates, Oprah, Ashton Kutcher, Ellen Degeneres, and even Britney Spears use Twitter to let fans know their latest move (yawn) and even use it to raise money for important causes. A lot of the gossip magazines also have Twitter accounts, leaving their followers on the edge of their seat hoping for more Jon and Kate garbage or yet another Michael Jackson aftermath update.

• But the majority of moms I talked to use Twitter to connect with each other, finding other mothers like them, those who understand what they're going through and can often share frustrations, success and support.

Warning:  One Twitter user came home from vacation recently to find his house had been robbed. While his wife thinks it was a random act, he insists his tweets about his vacation plans let followers know he was out of town.  While it may not be related, probably best not to tell people the key is under your front mat and you live at 123 Main St. Just sayin'.

Bonus: Are you looking for love? You might have to look no further than Twitter. According to gwenbell, @jlongtine & I met on Twitter. Fell in love. Got married 03.06.09, live-streamed it & the rest, as they say, is 140 characters ever after.

Family.com Community: If the idea of Twitter is overwhelming and Facebook is too personal, the Family.com community is perfect for you. Share stories of parenting, join groups, get advice, upload photos and take cool quizzes. I've actually found moms in my area and a few recipes there that I like to pass off as my own creations. (Shhh... don't tell.)

See that? The Internet isn't just for googling the latest kid symptom, shopping or trying to find out what your own kids are doing online. Moms are busy. I can't tell you the last time I saw my girlfriends face to face or was able to catch up over a long phone call. Social networking is like a girls' night out for moms.

See you on the Web, mama!

Connect with Jackie on Facebook, Twitter or in the Family.com community!

Jackie Morgan MacDougall, on the never-ending quest for balance, enjoys life in Los Angeles with her husband, Jeff, and their three small kids. For more of Jackie's parenting observations, visit The Silver Whining.


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6 Reasons Moms Should Try Tweeting

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