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Rich Fudgy Brownies

Hands-On Time: 10min
Cook Time: 50min
Ready In: 1h
Yield: 16 to 20 small brownies
rich, fudgy brownies

There are times when life requires chocolate -- not just any chocolate, but the rich, fudgy kind that almost puts you in a food coma. These brownies certainly fit the bill, and what's more, they are so quick to prepare that they're perfect for when you must have chocolate right now. The crisp top shatters pleasingly when pierced with a fork, and the interior is so moist and utterly decadent. They hold their shape better when they are at room temperature, but I think they taste best hot and right out of the pan... with a scoop of vanilla ice cream of course. Cut them small because a little bit goes a long way.



  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 8-inch square baking pan.
  2. Place chocolate chips, coffee granules, and butter into a large microwaveable bowl. Microwave on high for 1 minute, remove and whisk until chocolate is completely melted.
  3. When chocolate is room temperature (it may be already), whisk in sugar and then eggs, one at a time. Add vanilla and mix well.
  4. Carefully fold in flour and salt until just combined, taking care not to over mix.
  5. Pour mixture into prepared pan and bake for 35-40 minutes or until soft set. A toothpick will not come out clean, and the brownie may still jiggle a bit. Let cool to room temperature and serve with vanilla ice cream if desired.

Find more recipes from Alison Needham on Family.com, or visit her blog at www.agirlamarketameal.com.

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Rich Fudgy Brownies

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sheryl800 says:
January 10, 2011

I gave this recipe a try and it turned out GREAT. I made a batch with and without coffee. With coffee was the best. Mmmmmm good.

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