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Easy Tiramisu


While this traditional dessert is usually made with mascarpone cheese, cream cheese will do fine and is cheaper and easier to find. This is single-layer-quick for those times you want the flavors of tiramisu, but don't have the time for a larger dessert.

Hands-On Time: 15 minutes
Ready In: 2 1/4 hours
Yield: 6 servings


    2 oz. semi-sweet chocolate-grated
    1/2 c. sugar
    1 tsp. vanilla
    1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, cut up and softened
    1 c. cold whipping cream
    1 c. freshly brewed espresso, or other strong coffee, cooled
    1/4 c. brandy
    1 (12 oz.) frozen pound cake, thawed and cut into cut into "fingers" about 1" thick.


  1. Mix sugar and vanilla until smooth and thick. Add in cheese a little at a time, blending until smooth.
  2. Beat whipping cream until stiff peaks hold. Fold into cream cheese mixture and set aside.
  3. Dip cake fingers in espresso mixed with brandy -- just briefly. They should be soaked but not falling apart.
  4. Arrange fingers on the bottom of a 9x9 cake pan.
  5. Spread the cheese mixture evenly over the cake.
  6. Sprinkle the chocolate over top and chill for several hours before serving.
See more recipes from Anne Coleman (aka Short Order Mom).

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Easy Tiramisu

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