
Guides to Girl Time

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How do you deal when your daughter turns defiant? Handle the hurt and keep your bond. Go now >

Having "The Talk" with Your Daughter

Her body's changing and so is your relationship. Learn how to talk to her about what she's going through. Watch All Videos >

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Mothers and Daughters

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coolietan says:
December 12, 2011

This is considered a difficult time if as your daughter is now young teens and they may have gone through some emotional phases and learning new things. So take it easy.

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Genee1308 says:
August 14, 2011

My mom and I are like friends. I enjoy going out shopping with her. Such fond memories.


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Taylorsofokc says:
June 07, 2011

Periods!!! Did not know that mom and daughter's periods can line up. Having two attitudes in the house is bad. I have asked my daughter to tell me when she is on her cycle because she might not want to be bothered, but if I don't know that and why it could get her in trouble. I don't allow disrespect but do feel her pain around that time so as a mom I give her a pass but she knows her limits. Not a pass for her to act a fool towards me or her siblings.

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