

Microsoft adds developer achievements to Visual Studio

Microsoft has added an achievement system to its Visual Studio development tool.

Logically dubbed Visual Studio Achievements, the system, explained in a blog post, lets devs unlock 32 achievements and compete on leaderboards. Highlights include Lonely, which awards five points for coding on a Friday or Saturday night, and Gotta Be Different, unlocked by loading custom settings.

Microsoft has introduced achievements at the suggestion of developers, after one blog post six months ago drew more than 700 responses on Reddit. The company hopes that it will encourage developers out of their comfort zones and experiment with other Visual Studio features.

Jeff Sandquist, Microsoft's senior director of developer relations, said: "We talk to developers every day because their work and ideas fuel our products, projects and services.

"Now there's a fun factor as well as a healthy, competitive environment for Visual Studio developers to show off their everyday contributions that are otherwise unnoticed."

Source: Microsoft


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