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Flak Magazine Letters

Jan-Apr 2002

Flak welcomes any and all feedback from its readers. Due to quality constraints, not all letters can be printed in their entirety. Letters may be edited for length. Please send your letters to the writer of the piece you'd like to comment on.

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"I dont know why I am emailing you..."
To: Sean Weitner

I dont know why I am emailing you........... I just felt like it. I like that song "Killing me Softly" Its awesome! OK BUH BYE


"I get so sick of the 45-60 year old female 'aspiring" Primitive Americana interior designers..."
To: James Norton
Re: Eziba catalogue

I was going back through the Misc. articles and came across the Eziba article and just wanted to acknowledge that I am grateful there is another human being out there who observes and blatantly pokes fun at the sickening state of our culture. I get so sick of the 45-60 year old female "aspiring" Primitive Americana interior designers who know nothing about the piece of "Ethnic craft" they just bought. But "Gee, won't it will look great next to my longenberger baskets and under the Thomas Kincaid "master of light" painting (that looks like every puzzle I purchased from K-mart as a child)." What happened to Tupperware and Pepsi in 16oz bottles? It makes me happy to know that someone else has the same sense of humor I do. Your writing is inspiring! Keep up the good work!!!

Sincerely Frustrated,

Carma McCreery
Full-time drafter/Aspiring Ceramicist

"You were way off base..."
To: Wayne Lewis
Re: I Am Sam soundtrack

Songs by the Beatles are at their best when done in the fashion they were originally done. For instance the song "Julia". Chocolate Genius just does not have the voice for it. He makes it sound like grunge rock. I don't know what these people were thinking having Grandaddy do "Revolution". What is that? It sounds like some other song with the same lyrics. They should have the respect to do the song as it was meant to be done and not make it their own. The Black Crowes did a spectacular job and so did Ben Folds. You were way off base with most of your criticisms.


Wayne Lewis responds
Re: I Am Sam soundtrack

Hello and thanks for writing.

I'm glad that my thoughts on the IAmSam deal interested you enough to provoke a response.

Obviously we're in basic disagreement about that endeavor, and I can't really say much above and beyond other stuff I've said. But that's never stopped me before.

My belief: The Beatles already did most of their own songs perfectly, and if not perfectly then definitively. As such, aping their style while covering their song is largely redundant.

I was voicing some appreciation for musicians who actually put themselves on the line, and put something of themselves into the music. Again, we're in basic disagreement on the Black Crowes thing, since their performance to me seems so lifeless, phoned-in and lacking anything that was good about the band themselves — not exactly a performance they'll be remembered for in the long run.

I'm also not big on the idea that someone "doesn't have the voice" to sing a song, as long as they put their heart into it. Some of my favorites singers, and Neil Young comes immediately to mind, have far-from-perfect voices, but know how to use them to perfect effect. I think that was the case with the Chocolate Genius cut. I never got the "grunge rock" vibe you do, but that's dancing with semantics.

I'm with you on Ben Folds (nothing wrong with a great song well-sung, in any style) and Grandaddy (yech).

Not trying to change your mind in writing this, just to further articulate the basic ideas behind my take on that record. We clearly have different ideas about how artists should approach their art and different expectations for what each of us wants out of music. Given this, I thank you for stating your opinions so respectfully. I hope you keep reading Flak.



"I agree with your assesment of this hideous ad..."
To: Alissa Rowinsky
Re: Brawny Man-Arm commercial

I agree with your assesment of this hideous ad, and I thought the review was hilarious. Hopefully the people who made that commercial will read what you said and make a more appealing and less disgusting one next time.

Gwen Hallenbeck
Des Moines, IA

"Too funny!"
To: Bob Cook
Re: Body Perks nipple enhancers

Read your article on Body perks and can't remember the last time I made the effort to write a fan letter — too funny!


"He wrote memories which ... could well have been mine ..."
To: Clay Risen
Re: W.G. Sebald: In Memoriam

Thank you for your appreciation of W.G. Sebald in Flak. I had totally missed whatever the NY Times or anyone else published, apart from the In Memoriam notice from his publisher, and the news of the accident that killed him. A year, as you said, but truly much more than that, before his time. I still had "Austerlitz" unopened, and I still can't bear to begin reading it, although thanks to you I know there will be one more. Tonight, some literate friends urged me to try searching the web again, and I found what you had written.

I was attracted to Sebald's work for all the reasons you mention and for one more: He wrote memories which, had I been at a different place, could well have been mine. In fact, when he described electric shock treatment in the mental hospital I was caught up immediately at the horror within the story, and, as I had been a psychologist working in mental hospitals during the EST [electroshock therapy] years, at the horror of what was really done. No, I wasn't a witness, but I had ears to hear about what happened. The truth of Sebald's writing in this particular instance convinced me that his perception of everything was truthful, and very important.

Thank you again for your recollections of Sebald's books and for your sensitive writing.

Marilyn Mantay

"Your IDIOTIC article was upsetting to all fans of Billy Ray Cyrus..."
To: Greg Freeman
Re: Cyrus Vance: In Memorium

Your IDIOTIC article was upsetting to all fans of Billy Ray Cyrus. How could you be so careless and unaware to publish such a thing. The person who died was Cyrus Vance, the former Secretary of State under Richard Nixon. You published an obituary for Billy Ray Cyrus the country music singer. Get your facts straight the next time!!!

"Potresti tornarea Firenze con un nuovo lavoro: Listerine seller!"
To: Claire Zulkey
Re: Listerine strips

Posso quindi scrivere in italiano?

Io abito vicino a Fiesole, anzi dalla finestra la vedo! Tu lavori con Listerine? Potresti tornarea Firenze con un nuovo lavoro: Listerine seller!

I love U.S.A.!

Scrusa se ho disturbato,

ciao Daniela seller!

Claire Zulkey responds
Re: Listerine strips

Mi dispiace!

Mi dispiace, ma devo scrivere in inglese percho il mio italiano e molto male! Ma io provaro!

Mi mancha Fiesole molto!

No, io lavoro con un autoressa per un compagnia 'advertising'. Scrivo per "Flakmag" per divertimento (non per soldi, per sfortuna!)

Non ce problema!

Devo scrivere in inglese adesso...

I have an American friend who lives in Florence. I will ask her for you if she knows where you can buy this in Italy! Otherwise, I would try contacting the company and ask them where you can buy it. I'll be in touch!

Good luck,

"I believe these qualities helped to truly MAKE the Beatles the phenomenon they were..."
To: Claire Zulkey
Re: George Harrison


Just came across your article on why George was your favorite. Having grown up, literally, listening to the Beatles, I have come to recognize why he was my favorite. Whether it was through his guitar playing (most tateful), his humor (much subtler & drier than John's), or his constant search for growth, I believe these qualities helped to truly MAKE the Beatles the phenomenon they were. Interesting that, in becoming the superstars they were, he felt they never were as good as when they first started out.

Much obliged to you for the article.

Peaces – Martin Corts

"What if we used that money to alleviate suffering around the world...?"
To: Flak Magazine
Re: Fighting Terrorism

To the Editor:

Perhaps the most profoundly effective way to fight terrorism would be for all of us to become better neighbors, locally and globally.

Instead of pouring billions of dollars into new weapons, what if we used that money to alleviate suffering around the world? Our image certainly wouldn't suffer.

Perhaps such actions would do far more to build trust and understanding than all the security measures money can buy.

Perhaps it's time to wage peace.

Steve Cartwright
Waldoboro, Maine

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