Timothy M. Gray

Title: Editor

Email: tim.gray@variety.com

Timothy M. Gray became editor in chief of Variety in 2011, after six years as editor. He oversees Daily Variety and Variety Gotham (which each come out five days a week), weekly Variety (once a week) and variety.com (24/7). He supervises an editorial staff of 60 in the U.S., plus reporters in more than two dozen other countries. He started at Variety long ago, in the 20th century. Since then, he has served in a number of posts. His articles, reviews and photographs have appeared regularly and he continues to edit stories and write some of the more shameless headlines. Gray also writes a column. He is the author of "Hollywood Dictionary" (Welcome Books), which defines such slanguage as boffo, ankle and honcho, and is a co-author of "Cannes: 50 Years of Sun, Sex & Celluloid." He was co-producer of the HBO documentary "Boffo." He was born in Santa Monica and is left-handed.


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