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Meet the Faith & Family bloggers. We invite you to join us in encouraging and helping the Faith & Family community grow in faith!

Danielle Bean

Danielle Bean
Danielle Bean, a mother of eight, is editor-in-chief of Catholic Digest and Faith & Family. She is author of My Cup of Tea, Mom to Mom, Day to Day, and most recently Small Steps for Catholic Moms. Though she once struggled to separate her life and her …
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Rachel Balducci

Rachel Balducci
Rachel Balducci is married to Paul and they are the parents of five lively boys and one precious baby girl. She is the author of How Do You Tuck In A Superhero?, and is a newspaper columnist for the Diocese of Savannah, Georgia. For the past four years, she has …
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Lisa Hendey

Lisa Hendey
Lisa Hendey is the founder and editor of and the author of A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms and The Handbook for Catholic Moms. Lisa is also enjoys speaking around the country, is employed as webmaster for her parish web sites and spends time on various …
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Arwen Mosher

Arwen Mosher
Arwen Mosher lives in southeastern Michigan with her husband Bryan and their 4-year-old daughter, 2-year-old son, and twin boys born May 2011. She has a bachelor's degree in theology. She dreads laundry, craves sleep, loves to read novels and do logic puzzles, and can't live without tea. Her personal blog site …
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Rebecca Teti

Rebecca Teti
Rebecca Teti is married to Dennis and has four children (3 boys, 1 girl) who -- like yours no doubt -- are pious and kind, gorgeous, and can spin flax into gold. A Washington, DC, native, she converted to Catholicism while an undergrad at the U. Dallas, where she double-majored in …
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Robyn Lee

Robyn Lee
Robyn Lee is a 30-something, single lady, living in Connecticut in a small bungalow-style kit house built by her great uncle in the 1950s. She also conveniently lives next door to her sister, brother-in-law and six kids ... and two doors down are her parents. She received her undergraduate degree from …
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Daria Sockey is a freelance writer and veteran of the large family/homeschooling scene. She recently returned home from a three-year experiment in full time outside employment. (Hallelujah!) Daria authored several of the original Faith&Life; Catechetical Series student texts (Ignatius Press), and is currently a Senior Writer for Faith&Family; magazine. A latecomer …
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Guest Bloggers

Kate Lloyd

Kate Lloyd
Kate Lloyd is a rising senior, and a political science major at Thomas More College of Liberal Arts in New Hampshire. While not in school, she lives in Whitehall PA, with her mom, dad, five sisters and little brother. She needs someone to write a piece about how it's possible to …
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Lynn Wehner

Lynn Wehner
As a wife and mother, writer and speaker, Lynn Wehner challenges others to see the blessings that flow when we struggle to say "Yes" to God’s call. Control freak extraordinaire, she is adept at informing God of her brilliant plans and then wondering why the heck they never turn out that …
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Seek Out God

Lenten Reflection

Saturday, February 25

I have not come to call the righteous to repentance but sinners. – Luke 5:32

What a hopeful and comforting statement from our Savior in the gospel reading of today! I am just as sinful as the next man and I can’t help but smile and breathe a sigh of relief whenever I read this. We are all sinners yet God calls us change and even desires, as the physician, to heal us and spend... READ MORE 

Lenten Reflections

day one of Lent

This Lenten season, we’ll be running a daily essay from a Lenten booklet I helped compile. If you’d like more information on the project, please read here.

Ash Wednesday, February 22

An interesting phenomenon will occur the week of Mardi Gras. Parish Office phones will be ringing off the hook. “When do you give out ashes?” “When can I come and get ashes?” And this will be verified on Ash Wednesday... READ MORE 

Seventy Seven Times

Giving the gift of forgiveness...

This morning, I sat in morning mass listening to my amazing pastor homilize on today’s gospel reading from Matthew 18. I’d read the gospel earlier in the morning, and had stopped to ask myself if there was anyone I needed to work on forgiving… any deeply held grudges or hurts that were causing me to withhold forgiveness like the indebted servant in Matthew’s gospel.

I think I tend to be a “forgive... READ MORE 

A Drama Only Two People Saw

Ron DiCianni

I adore this depiction of the Presentation, which you can see better here. (Especially if you click the “framed” version.)

It captures the joy of today’s feast so perfectly.

What equally captures the joy of the Presentation is my friend Msgr. Charles Pope’s dramatic account of the scene.

He begins with an explanation of the two rites of the Old Law Joseph & Mary were fulfilling by going to the Temple... READ MORE 

Sanctifying The Daily Grind

Happy Feast of St. Martha!

It intrigues me that though Mary chose the better part, it is Martha who has the feast day.

Fr. Z. offers a reflection on this—and an analysis of this Velazquez painting— here.

A taste:

In this life there is always a tension between the active and the contemplative, the daily grind and a true Christian’s desire for silence, recollection and prayer.  There is a tension trap as well in the desire to be recognized or to have this or that position which is not to be had.

How do we rise to the challenge of bringing something of prayer and reflection to our daily work?

Click through for his thoughts.

Holy Week Traditions

Please share yours!

I don’t have a great attention span, and it’s a struggle for me to stay focused during the long haul of Lent. So I love Holy Week, because it gives me a chance to make that last push before we celebrate the Resurrection really count.

For a while I’ve had a tradition to make an extra sacrifice during the week leading up to the Triduum.

One crazy Holy Week during my college years I gave up eating everything... READ MORE 

You Are My Beloved Son

Kids Gospel Moment Video for the Baptism of the Lord

Blessed Are You

Kids Gospel Moment video for the Fourth Sunday of Advent

First Sunday of Advent Message

This week, as we celebrate the First Sunday of Advent, I hope you'll take a few moments to savor the scriptures with your family!

All She Had

from today's Gospel

Calling his disciples to himself, he said to them, “Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.”
—Mark 12:43-44

Lord, we want to please you. Help us to give all we have too.

image credit: Amy Pectol

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