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Member since: Mar 26th, 2009

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Prepare to be psychologically overburdened by Skyrim's fully detailed locations map

Nov 29th 2011 6:57AM (Joystiq)
Alot more in Oblivion? You have to.be kidding me. Skyrim, while not as daunting as system, daggerfall, has MUCH MORE than Oblivion. Even if we are just talking about random settlements.

Prepare to be psychologically overburdened by Skyrim's fully detailed locations map

Nov 29th 2011 6:55AM (Joystiq)
@Raiderfan just for note: it came with every copy of the game. Not just the LCE

Travel Back to the future of Karkand with screens from Battlefield 3's first DLC

Oct 30th 2011 9:19AM (Joystiq)
@(Unverified) I guess it is cool you circumvent Origin by playing the console version. And origin stealing your personal information? Did I walk into a damn tinfoil hat area and not realize it?

As for your reference of COD being.the "king of FPS" comment and the inexplicable ironical situation you established by that and calling people who like BF3 fanboys, imagine this: they are two different gamed that play nothing alike and are aimed toward completely different audiences. Deal with it.

Sonic Generations pre-orders exceed all previous Sonic titles

Oct 27th 2011 11:16PM (Joystiq)
Definitely need to preorder this. Played through it and it felt so right. Flipped on the 3D mode and was like "WOOOOOAH DO WANT"

Grab a Kinect (with Child of Eden!) for $120 at Amazon (update: $100 through buy.com)

Oct 24th 2011 11:17AM (Joystiq)
Not a badprice. Would pick it up if I didn't get my Kinect for free from the beta test of the software.

Our Battlefield 3 review: Why we're splitting it up, and why console's coming late

Oct 22nd 2011 6:45AM (Joystiq)
Or the Nier review travesty crafted by the inability to read a map?

Gears of War 3 ventures into 'RAAM's Shadow' DLC this December

Oct 20th 2011 10:13AM (Joystiq)
You misspeak. Gears 2 did have a campaign expansion.

Sony's 3D Display available on Nov. 13

Oct 20th 2011 10:10AM (Joystiq)
Lolage? My, what a darling 12 year old you are. Just discovered the internet I wager too.

Please, so elaborate Mister Specialist. What makes Sony a better brand than Vizio?

Sony's 3D Display available on Nov. 13

Oct 19th 2011 2:09PM (Joystiq)
@Mr Hett Not a big fan of edge-lit LED to be honest. My Vizio is passive 3D and the artifacts I have EVER seen were those caused by the poor use of Trioviz in Enslaved. Any properly done 3D engines have not had any artifacts.

PlayStation Store available for the one PlayStation Certified tablet

Oct 19th 2011 1:52PM (Joystiq)
@rhoadsie "with the arrival of the PlayStation Store for PlayStation Certified devices -- a category that, as of this moment, includes the Sony Tablet S and nothing else."

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