
This is a free, community driven Q&A for IT security professionals. It is a part of the Stack Exchange network of Q&A; websites, and it was created through the open democratic process defined at Stack Exchange Area 51.

So What? Who cares? Isn't this just like a dozen other websites?

What’s so special about this? Well, nothing, really. But we synthesize aspects of Wikis, Blogs, Forums, and Digg/Reddit in a way that we think is original.

Venn diagram: Wiki, Digg/Reddit, Blog, Forum

IT Security - Stack Exchange is that tiny asterisk in the middle.

But hopefully you’ll see what we mean when you participate and experience it for yourself.

Who are the moderators?

We believe moderation starts with the community itself, so in addition to privileges earned through reputation, we periodically hold democratic moderator elections. If the site is not yet large enough to support an election, we will appoint likely moderators from within the community.

The following users are our current community moderators:

profile for AviD at IT Security, Q&A for IT security professionals
elected 2011
profile for Hendrik Brummermann at IT Security, Q&A for IT security professionals
elected 2011
profile for Rory Alsop at IT Security, Q&A for IT security professionals
elected 2011

Please see A Theory of Moderation for information on our moderation philosophy.

How can I learn more?

Check out the FAQ. And if you need to contact us, you can do so at team+security@stackexchange.com