Crunchyroll-Ready Devices

Besides streaming online through a desktop web-browser, you can watch Crunchyroll in your living room and on the go. To get the best experience on your device or TV, make sure you have a Premium Membership. Premium Members have additional benefits -- see below for more details.
  • Apple iOS

    Crunchyroll is available on your iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. Just search for "crunchyroll" in the App Store on your iOS device, or go to in Safari on your device. Ad-supported, standard-quality streaming is available over Wi-Fi for everyone. Ad-free, high-quality streaming is available over 3G for Premium Members only.
  • Android

    Crunchyroll is available on your Droid X, Galaxy S, Nexus One, and other Android 2.1+ phones and tablets. Just search for "crunchyroll" in the Android Market on your Android device, or use a bar code scanner app and scan the QR code below with your device. Ad-supported, standard-quality streaming is available over Wi-Fi for everyone. Ad-free, high-quality streaming is available over 3G for Premium Members only.
  • Roku Box

    Crunchyroll is available on Roku. Roku is an affordable set-top box for your television. Connect the Roku Box to your TV with an HDMI cable and use Wi-Fi or an ethernet cable to get internet. Search for "crunchyroll" in the Channel Store to download the Crunchyroll channel.
  • Boxee Box

    Crunchyroll is available on Boxee. The Boxee Box is set-top box for your television. Connect the Boxee Box to your TV with an HDMI cable and use Wi-Fi or an ethernet cable to get internet. Crunchyroll is preloaded with all Boxee Boxes and software. You can also search for "crunchyroll" and download it in the Apps section.
  • WD TV Live

    Crunchyroll is pre-installed on all three models of the WD TV Live set-top box. Connect the box to your TV with an HDMI, component, or composite cables and use an ethernet cable to get internet. From your WD TV Live box, go to Internet media -> Flingo -> Crunchyroll. Note that this does not support login, so premium features are not available. The app is made available through a third party vendor, Flingo.
  • VIZIO VIATM Televisions

    Crunchyroll is pre-installed with VIZIO's internet enabled (VIATM) Televisions. From your VIZIO VIA remote control, press the VIA button. Then go to Web Videos -> Channels -> Crunchyroll. Note that this does not support login, so premium features are not available. The app is made available through a third-party vendor, Flingo.
Note: Normal content license-related restrictions, like time windows and geographic regions, apply for all of these devices.