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Third Party Freight Computer Based Training (CBT)

This site is intended for use by Anheuser-Busch Suppliers to learn about the Third Party Freight Payables Process. If you have reached this site in error, please click on the back-arrow on your Internet Browser or select the Home icon at the top of the screen.

Minimum System Requirements for CBT: Please review the minimum system requirements listed below to make sure you have the appropriate system configurations to allow you to download and play the Third Party Freight CBT.

  • Microsoft Windows 98 or better
  • IE or Netscape browser, Version 4 or higher
  • 56K modem Internet access
  • 64 MB RAM or more (128 RAM recommended)
  • 233 MHz Processor (330 MHz recommended)
  • 13 MB of disk space
  • Standard sound card
  • Monitor with 800 X 600 resolution
  • High color (16-bit) display definition
  • MS PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer. If you do not currently have this software, you can click on this link to download PowerPoint Viewer: Download PowerPoint Viewer
  • Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher (to download and print a copy of the training manual). If you do not currently have this software, download Acrobat Reader here.


You must have the Interwise Participant Software installed on your computer to view the Third Party Freight Computer Based Training. Follow the instructions below to download the software and play the recorded session.

Step 1: Print these instructions prior to beginning so you may refer back to the directions if needed.

Step 2: Save all documents and quit out of all open applications before beginning.

Step 3: Click on the image below to launch the Interwise Software installation.  A File Download Window will appear. Select “Save this program to disk” and click OK. You will be saving an installer program to the hard drive on your computer. It is advisable to save the installer file to your desktop for easier access.

Interwise logo

Step 4: Locate the file you just downloaded and double-click the file to begin the Interwise Software installation process. An installation wizard will guide you through the process step-by-step.

Step 5: Download the Third Party Freight CBT by right-clicking the image below, and selecting “Save Target As.” Save the file to a location of your choice on your hard drive.

CBT Thumbnail

Locate the file you just downloaded and double click the file.  The CBT recording should begin playing automatically. (Note: a “pop-up window” will appear on your screen. You should minimize this window or “drag” it out of the way so it does not obstruct your view while the CBT is playing. Do not close the “pop-up” window by clicking on the “X” in the upper right hand corner of the window as it will stop the playing of the recorded session.)

Step 6: It is recommended that you print a copy of the Third Party Freight Payables work instructions. You can do so by clicking here.

Need help?

For questions or technical assistance during download or installation, please contact 1-800-BEERTALK or Interwise Live Support at 1-888-796-6118.

Stone Statue of the Anheuser-Busch Eagle
Interior Navigation Design Element