Annual Traffic Reports
A comprehensive overview of passenger,
cargo and traffic movements for the most
recent year.


Monthly Traffic Data
A paid-for service, the monthly passenger,
cargo and traffic data available on the
website is an overview of the main trends
in traffic movement around the world.


ACI Publications Catalogue
View all the reports that ACI produces, collected
from the aviation industry's comprehensive range
of airport traffic statistics.


ACI Quarterly Traffic Bulletin
Quarterly traffic growth is shown by region
for both total and international traffic.
The report also shows market share
by airport size, airport growth by country,
and corresponding GDP figures. Data
analysis indicates the top growers and
decliners along with top international
airport growth, and global trade volumes.

For airports taking part in the surveys 


Monthly Airport Traffic Statistics Form 
Annual Airport Traffic Statistics Form for AFR/ASP/LAC/MEA 
Annual Airport Traffic Statistics Form for EUR 
Annual Traffic Origin and Destination Form for EUR 

Annual Traffic Form for NAM