Final Paper Submission (for accepted papers only)

  1. a single-sided, camera-ready printout (not a photocopy) of the final version of your contribution (maximum length 10 pages),
  2. completed and signed copyright form,
  3. electronic files:
      - your source (input) files, (e.g., .tex files for the text and .eps files for the figures),
      - the final DVI file (for papers prepared using LaTeX or TeX),
      - the final PostScript file (not in reverse page order),
      - if possible, the pdf file of the final version of your paper.

    Please send your printed manuscript and copyright form carefully packed to:

    Prof. Binhai Zhu
    Department of Computer Science
    Montana State University
    357 EPS Bldg.
    Bozeman, MT 59717-3880
    Phone: 406-994-4836

    If you send it by express mail/package, claim it as academic documents .
    The copyright form can also be sent by fax (+1-406-994-4376).

    Note. We must receive the camera-ready printout and the copyright form by April 28, 2003 at the latest. Please mind the mailing delays and post your submission early enough.

    Send your electronic files as e-mail attachments to the address
    Recommendation: To avoid confusion, name all files in the following fashion: Use always 8 characters plus an extension (cocnNNNC.XXX). cocn is a fixed string. NNN is your submission number with possible leading zeros. To distinguish several files of the same type (e.g., EPS files) use characters a, b, c,... in the field C. XXX identifies the file type (tex, ps, etc.). For example, the files in a final submission could be named cocn023a.tex, cocn023a.dvi,, cocn023a.eps, cocn023b.eps, and cocn023c.eps. We would appreciate if you could compress the files with zip, tar, tar.gz, or tar.Z format. Use cocnNNN as the base name for the compressed file (e.g.,

    Following these instructions not only makes the organizer's life easier, it is very possible that it will also make your own life easier (e.g., you will not be asked to re-send your files, etc). If you have any questions concerning the final submission, contact