About Gothamist

Gothamist is a website about New York City and everything that happens in it. That means news and events, restaurants and bars, happenings and goings-on. Gothamist has an avid and growing readership, and an even more avid and growing staff.

Editor and co-founder: Jen Chung
Publisher and co-founder: Jake Dobkin
Associate Publisher: Tien Mao
Technology Director: Neil Epstein
Logo: Sam Park
Managing Editor: John Del Signore
Senior Editor: Jen Carlson
Associate Editors: Jamie Feldmar, Garth Johnston, Christopher Robbins, Ben Yakas
Contributors: Tom Boorstein, Robert Horan, Peter Trinkle, Joe Schumacher
Interns: Nell Casey, Elyssa Goldberg, Bethany O'Grady, Melanie Parker, and Rachel Pincus

Special thanks to: Justin Case, Michael Barrish, Matt Kingston, and Hilton Marcus

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