Ligabue - Su E Giu' Da Un Palco

18/2005 start
39/2011 end
01 charts
80 total wks
15 peak
01 wks on peak
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The album Su E Giu' Da Un Palco by Ligabue has been listed for 80 weeks on the Italy Albums Top 100. It entered the chart on position 88 on week 18/2005, it's last appearance was on week 39/2011. It peaked on number 15, where it stayed for 1 week. Below you'll find the exact numbers and statistics.

Album Performance:

Wks on
Wks on
Chart Trajectory Italy Albums Top 100 18/2005 88 15 1 80 39/2011
18/2005 88 15 1 80 39/2011

Songs by Ligabue (10):

1 Cosa Vuoi Che Sia
stats: reach: 43/2006 - 05/2007; peak pos: 24; weeks: 16
6 Il Mio Pensiero
stats: reach: 25/2008 - 11/2009; peak pos: 5; weeks: 28
2 Happy Hour
stats: reach: 27/2006 - 41/2006; peak pos: 5; weeks: 15
7 L'amore Conta
stats: reach: 48/2005 - 08/2006; peak pos: 38; weeks: 8
3 Happy Hour Remix
stats: reach: 47/2006 - 47/2006; peak pos: 46; weeks: 1
8 Le Donne Lo Sanno
stats: reach: 11/2006 - 26/2006; peak pos: 26; weeks: 13
4 Il Centro Del Mondo
stats: reach: 20/2008 - 40/2008; peak pos: 13; weeks: 21
9 Niente Paura
stats: reach: 44/2007 - 09/2008; peak pos: 15; weeks: 18
5 Il Giorno Dei Giorni
stats: reach: 39/2005 - 47/2005; peak pos: 22; weeks: 9
10 Sulla Mia Strada
stats: reach: 22/2009 - 39/2009; peak pos: 21; weeks: 15

Other albums by Ligabue (13):

1 A Che Ora E' La Fine Del Mondo A Che Ora E' La Fine Del Mondo
stats: reach: 29/2011 - 33/2011; peak pos: 93; weeks: 2
2 Arrivederci, Mostro!
stats: reach: 19/2010 - 39/2011; peak pos: 1; weeks: 89
3 Buon Compleanno Elvis Buon Compleanno Elvis
stats: reach: 36/2005 - 34/2011; peak pos: 47; weeks: 18
4 Fuori Come Va? Fuori Come Va?
stats: reach: 36/2005 - 35/2011; peak pos: 47; weeks: 12
5 Giro D'italia Giro D'italia
stats: reach: 49/2003 - 37/2011; peak pos: 33; weeks: 38
6 Lambrusco, Coltelli, Rose & Pop Corn Lambrusco, Coltelli, Rose & Pop Corn
stats: reach: 37/2005 - 37/2011; peak pos: 53; weeks: 5
7 Ligabue Ligabue
stats: reach: 36/2005 - 33/2011; peak pos: 38; weeks: 17
8 Miss Mondo Miss Mondo
stats: reach: 25/2011 - 33/2011; peak pos: 62; weeks: 8
9 Nome E Cognome Nome E Cognome
stats: reach: 37/2005 - 37/2011; peak pos: 1; weeks: 109
10 Primo Tempo
stats: reach: 46/2007 - 39/2011; peak pos: 1; weeks: 189
11 Secondo Tempo
stats: reach: 22/2008 - 39/2011; peak pos: 1; weeks: 181
12 Sette Notti In Arena
stats: reach: 23/2009 - 39/2011; peak pos: 2; weeks: 79
13 Sopravvissuti E Sopravviventi Sopravvissuti E Sopravviventi
stats: reach: 26/2011 - 33/2011; peak pos: 72; weeks: 4