Health & Wellness Centre

Nutrition as a matter of choice!

Prevention means adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle in order to enjoy a long and healthy life with our loved ones.

Healthy lifestyle habits, such as a varied and balanced diet, regular physical activity and quitting smoking can greatly reduce the risk of certain health problems. They also make us feel a lot better, in body and mind.

For many, adopting healthy lifestyle habits can be a concrete way to maintain good health and minimize the risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, certain cancers or cardiovascular problems.

Other useful information
Check out the following pages for useful information on preventing cancer and diabetes, and tips on how to adopt a healthy lifestyle:

Cancer demystified
Cancer prevention
Diabetes demystified
Diabetes prevention

Our favorite sites

Information on health, ways to quit smoking, healthy eating habits and much more: Health Canada
For a better understanding of cancer and how to support loved ones with the disease: Canadian Cancer Society
Tips on living well with osteoporosis: Osteoporosis Society of Canada
A clear explanation of diabetes and tips on living with the disease: Canadian Diabetes Association