Rock Band 3 Image
  • Summary: Rock Band returns with another iteration of the popular music game featuring new songs and instruments.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 57 out of 57
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 57
  3. Negative: 0 out of 57
  1. Dec 21, 2010
    It all adds up to what is easily the best and most progressive rhythm-action game ever made, if that label even applies anymore. [Christmas 2010, p.76]
  2. Dec 21, 2010
    Rock Band 3 continues to delight my gaming senses and eardrums, and I look forward in watching my wallet deplete of funds with new DLC songs and instrument options on down the line.
  3. Dec 21, 2010
    A superbly engineered game that is both the most ambitious and the best the genre has to offer.

See all 57 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 18
  2. Negative: 2 out of 18
  1. While the music genre is arguable falling in the past year, Rock Band 3 has shown that it is still fun to play. The menu system has been given a fresh new look that is much easier to understand and navigate, and the fun of grabbing friends and family to play the tunes you love is still as strong and now easier to get to. The real disappointment is just how similar the game is to its predecessor, Rock Band 2. The gameplay and the visuals are the exact same, not to say that those are bad things though. There are two new additions, keyboard and pro mode. I did not have a chance to use the pro mode, but i did use the keyboard/keytar. It works, but the whammy/overdrive buttons are awkward to use. In all, this game is still fantastic, but its pretty much more of the same thing. But dont we all need more Rock Band? Expand
    • 4 of 4 users said yes
  2. 5
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Rock band 3 es el nuevo referente de un género que tiene las horas contadas en las consolas de sobremesa; y es que seguir con la misma mecánica año tras año hace que rock band sea un juego muy limitado. Tiene un track list demoledor, la posibilidad de usar teclado y es infinitamente superior a su rival, pero si EA quiere triunfar ha de innovar mucho más. Expand
    • 1 of 19 users said yes
  3. 4
    I was looking forward to this game and really wanted to like it. It doesn't even seem like it was made by the same people who developed RB1 and 2 and that's a huge disappointment. @ First of all, this game crashes a lot, not just for me but for quite possibly the majority of people. I play online a lot and I haven't run into anyone who hasn't crashed yet. There are two kinds of crashes. One is at a particular loading scene with roadies pushing crates. It will completely lock up your system and you'll be forced to power down. The other is the game closing itself randomly. One second you're navigating or playing and the next you're looking at your dashboard. I don't know if there are any plans to fix these bugs but I don't understand how the game was released in this state. This couldn't possibly have been a surprise to the developers. @ Secondly a lot of personality was taken from the game, especially in the way of characters. Character names are no longer seen online. They don't get introduced at the start of a session. You can't create an attitude for them anymore either. The animations look stiff to me. They also have a lot of bugs. @ Onto gameplay. RB3 doesn't have any real objective or direction like the previous titles did. World Tour is gone so now the 2 main modes are quickplay or challenges. The challenges were the worst, least played part of RB2 yet they decided to run with them. They tried to put a new face on the challenges by giving them a tourlike roadmap and instituting a spade system for doing well at each 'mission' but the whole thing is only 10 sections long. Also, you will find yourself sacrificing high scores in order to successfully complete a lot of them. This should have been a side gig next to World Tour, it feels like a lazy replacement. @ Competitive modes have been abolished. And for what reason? I have no idea. I think a lot of people were expecting an improvement in score duel, like normal note highways, but they completely got rid of it. At some point a meeting took place where they all decided it was a good idea to remove this classic feature. I'm still scratching my head. @ No fail can now be used throughout the game to finish songs, unlock achievements and post scores to the leaderboards. No fail is certainly great for parties and fine if you want to play through a song that you know you can't pass but that's where it should end. Rock Band 1 was the most successful of the series and there was plenty of failing. Most people think they want something for nothing but when they get it, the perceived value is low. Trying to beat a song is a powerful motivator to play more often. Killing incentive is not the answer to lagging sales. @ The music video modes are blinding. They come up often. Granted they may not affect everyone negatively but there are an awful lot of people complaining. There should be an option to avoid them and it's hard to believe this didn't occur to anyone during playtesting. @ The Endless Setlist. I don't know why they bothered to include it without World Tour. The point of World Tour was to unlock the Endless Setlist, get your icon and acheive "Immortal Status." But now you can play through the ESL right from Quickplay without unlocking it. You will not get an icon when you're done. Makes sense, I guess since you can play with no fail on and literally not have to do anything except for hit "next song." @ The setlist. A lot of people are going to say that's a subjective point. There are definitely a handful of incredible songs in this game. The rest? Let's just say that finding a 83 songs with good parts on guitar, bass, drums, vocals AND keyboards must have been an extremely difficult task and it shows. Better luck next time. @ That brings me to the keyboard. I'm mixed on this. A new instrument is fun. On the other hand, it's not so fun when you have a massive amount of DLC and only 80 songs have a part for you to play. Additionally, keyboard parts tend to have lots of dead space. They're often used as accents to songs. The Doors DLC is very good for keyboards, we'll see what else comes down the pipeline. • Online play is a mess. People no longer take turns choosing one song, instead you are forced to create a setlist in which everyone present can add as many selections as they want. You can also hit the back button to delete other players selections and they can do the same to you. When someone drops out in the middle of a song, the note highway moves to reflect the change. This is a very bad thing when you're on drums and even if you're not, it'll probably cause you to mess up a little bit. Also, the only note highway allowed in the middle is the drummer now. It was better before when no matter what you were playing your track would always be in the middle from your perspective. @ I can't judge the pro guitar, I don't have it. Hopefully it will turn out to be a useful learning tool for people who do buy it. Expand
    • 4 of 10 users said yes

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