• Summary: In LittleBigPlanet Players meet on a blue and green planet scattered with individual plots – and use their character's amazing abilities to play, create and share what they build with other gamers throughout the world via the Playstation Network. The LittleBigPlanet experience starts with players learning about their character’s powers to interact physically with the environment. There are places to explore, creative resources to collect and puzzles to solve – all requiring a combination of brains and collaborative teamwork. As soon as players begin their creative skills will grow and they will soon be ready to start creating and modifying their surroundings – the first step to sharing them with the whole community.Characters have the power to move anything in this glued and stitched-together 3D landscape; they have the power to design, shape and build both objects and entire locations for others to view and play. There’s no complicated level editor; all of these skills can be learned by simply playing the game. Creativity is part of the gameplay experience and playing is part of the creative experience. Players can make their world as open or as secretive to explore as they like. When it’s ready, they can invite anyone within the LittleBigPlanet community to come and explore their patch – or can go and explore everybody else's. [SCEA] Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 85 out of 85
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 85
  3. Negative: 0 out of 85
  1. 100
    The online community is brimming with endlessly different styles of maps, as each of the creators' personalities are poured into the fun of constructing them. LittleBigPlanet will undoubtedly keep you up at night, constructing the next big hit for the community - and if you don't care for that then you can still play the plethora of maps being produced by countless others.
  2. LittleBigPlanet is much more than simply a game or even a tool, it's an experience. The sack people are an infectiously charming bunch and as soon as you've settled in you'll want to stay for the foreseeable future.
  3. It's a multiplayer riot, a visual landmark, a feat of engineering, and one of the most charming games ever made. But even those accolades are dwarfed by its scope, its potential, and the apparent endlessness of them both. [Dec 2008, p.76]

See all 85 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 55 out of 372
  1. Not as big little planet, can be as little note to users. For me it is one of the best games of this generation. The story perhaps, could be improved ... But what this game is a masterpiece. In these times, innovate for me is the best. Many do not dare, play it safe .. SHOOTERS. In order to ensure sales ... instead there are companies, such as "Media Molecule" that take risks, and eventually make a great game. As "little big planet" Expand
    • 2 of 2 users said yes
  2. screegesmith
    Well I think is little big dissapointment, I thought it would be a fun game, but no it gets very frustrating the controll is terrible, as other people say, maybe it ihas a good level editing tool, but where is the FUN on it. If you want a physics sim then this is your game, if you are looking for a fun game this is not it. Expand
    • 2 of 3 users said yes
  3. AnonymousMC
    Excellent game, solid platforming/puzzle/physics milkshake with a create-mode-cherry on top. LBP will live a long and prosperous life and make a new breed of gamers. If you need a reason to buy a PS3, this is it. As for the score, I think this game needs an 11/10. Because there is no 11 on metacritic, lets assume the scores above 10 start from the beginning. Most people have already figured that out too! Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes

See all 372 User Reviews

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