• Summary: Amidst the sands of ancient Persia, a young Prince unleashes a deadly evil. Embark on a harrowing quest to restore peace and the fabric of Time. Embody a legendary hero with gravity-defying acrobatics, ferocious fighting combos, and the ability to bend time to fulfill his bidding. Wield the power of the Sands of Time - a mythical force allowing the Prince to erase the past, behold the future, and freeze the present. You'll uncover the mysteries of a world never before explored in action-adventure gaming. Ancient Persia, mythical and deadly, holds a staggering array of landscapes and kingdoms to explore and conquer. [Ubi Soft] Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 44
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 44
  3. Negative: 0 out of 44
  1. 100
    The gameplay has just the right balance of challenging puzzles and finger-numbing battles to deliver an exceptional adventure whether you're royalty or not.
  2. It's simply so well executed that when you blow past some difficult parts simply because the game controls so well, you'll begin to think it's all you. That's the mark of a brilliantly designed game...I can't recommend this one highly enough.
  3. Featuring some of the most elaborate and astonishing art work and animation the videogame industry has ever seen, POP definitively raises the bar on visual presentation. I have never seen more detailed and engaging art on the PlayStation 2.

See all 44 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 42 out of 47
  2. Negative: 2 out of 47
  1. DragonKnight
    This is a great game. A masterpiece, the graphics are simply amazing and are filled with visual beauty, the sound is amazing and immerses you into the Prince's world. The way they made the Prince is exactly how you'd picture him, if you played the original Prince of Persia, it's obvious to see he's not a muscle-bound warrior, he's an agile trickster. Which is exactly how they portrayed him and exactly how most of us have probably envisioned him in 3D. The story, while nothing special, is pretty good. The camera work is phenomenal it follows you perfectly and you never have a single problem with it, I love it when it changes to give you a more cinematic look while not disrupting gameplay in the least. The puzzles are amazing and require you to think, and I love games that make me think. The combat is this game's weakest aspect, it's not all that fun, you get bored with it pretty quickly. Though it's too small of a gripe to knock it down a point. Buy it, you will not be disappointed. Simply beautiful. Purely and simply beautiful. Expand
    • 1 of 1 users said yes
  2. StevieB.
    This is a very good game but it is VERY repetitive yet short. if you are good at tomb raider games you will complete this in 7 hours or less. even though the climbing and wall running gets very repetitive that part never gets boring it is the combat part that pisses you off as the fighting parts come up so often and last soooooooo long and what makes it worse is that the combat is not varied enough. you think someone who could wall run upto 30 feet could do more than just jump and stab during a fight!!!! if you are thinking about buying this DON'T! get tomb raider anniversary instead. that is platforming genius and i would give it 10 out of 10. Expand
    • 0 of 0 users said yes
  3. JamesR.
    It's ok, the only problem it is too short and easy. I expected much more from this game. Truly disappointing.
    • 0 of 1 users said yes

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