• Summary: Four years have passed since the aftermath of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and a great tension now smolders throughout the ravaged world of Azeroth. As the battle-worn races begin to rebuild their shattered kingdoms, new threats, both ancient and ominous, arise to plague the world once again. World of Warcraft is an online role-playing experience set in the award-winning Warcraft universe. Players assume the roles of Warcraft heroes as they explore, adventure, and quest across a vast world. Being "Massively Multiplayer," World of Warcraft allows thousands of players to interact within the same world. Whether adventuring together or fighting against each other in epic battles, players will form friendships, forge alliances, and compete with enemies for power and glory. A dedicated live team will create a constant stream of new adventures to undertake, lands to explore, and monsters to vanquish. This content ensures that the game will never be the same from month to month, and will continue to offer new challenges and adventures for years to come. [Blizzard Entertainment] Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 56 out of 57
  2. Negative: 0 out of 57
  1. 100
    There's always a hesitation in giving something 10 since you are essentially saying that it's perfect but as things stand now that's exactly what World of Warcraft deserves.
  2. 100
    A tremendous product. Wonderfully fun and thrilling, inspiring and energiz[ing], just a great amount of fun.
  3. Fix your game, Blizzard. Listen to your players, actually cater to the high end, fix bugs that need fixing, and don't leave your playerbase hanging for months on end. Then I will give your game a higher mark.

See all 57 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 88 out of 319
  1. 10
    The time when World of Warcraft was THE MMO. It wasn't the down-booted bantha crap that is now. This was the time when the game made you actually think about tactics, professions and others. Hell, if you compare the mounts' level and prices, you should know what I mean: Vanilla: Lvl40: around 100g,normal mount. Cataclysm/WOTLK: Lvl40: less than 100g and EPIC mount. Getting Items was another thing. When I got my first epic item, I was incredibly happy (I still remember which item it was). In newer expansions: Completely unexperienced kids running around in Full Epic because they did a heroic with some other kid who MIGHT had some XP in the game. I even had a full-epic off set from the stupid Triumph badges that dropped from heroics. To sum up, If you feel yourself as a beginner in MMOs, you might wanna try the newer Expansions first, but when you're tired of the no-challanges, you'll defineatly wanna try one of the Vanilla Private servers. Expand
    • 6 of 6 users said yes
  2. I'll do a short-ish review: At start it was good, after Vanilla it started to go down. Especially after Mists of Pandaria. Blizzard has truly ran out of ideas. If it becomes F2P or they remove monthly fee, I might continue playing it. (Yes I have played it!) Expand
    • 1 of 1 users said yes
  3. SusanL
    I've played it for almost 2 years now, and just quit. I've done it all: PVP, Arena, raiding, grinding, achievements, topping DPS charts... and I'm quitting because I just can't stand the community anymore. If you're a normal, balanced adult, you'll find that, no matter how hard you try to shield yourself from it, the sheer amount of HORRIBLE PEOPLE who play this game will drive you away. I like WoW. But it's just not feasible to play a game made for dishonest sociopaths. You can't truly enjoy PVP battlegrounds because almost everyone on your side is busy AFK'ing and complaining about people wanting to actually win the damn thing. Can't enjoy Arena either, because you either lose to drooling sociopaths, or team up with them and have to do as you're told. Can't enjoy raiding either, because, in a PuG, you're either going to be cheated out of loot, or are going to spend 6 hours racking up repair bills, and never finish the damn thing. In a guild run, you're going to face the same thing, plus being harassed by the RL's pals, GF or family members, who think they deserve more than anyone for half the effort, and who usually get away with it. If you decide to make your own guild, everyone in it will fight amongst themselves, making your life miserable. All that nastiness is fed by Blizzard with a silver spoon: Blizzard knows that the best addicts are the mean ones, the ones who'll kill people for drug money, so they'll bend what little "story" the game has to feed into that mentality (Trial of the Crusader is a fine example), along with jerk-rewarding loot rules that make ninja'ing not only accepted, but expected. Blizzard has already announced Cataclysm to invest even MORE in that hate factor, with heightened competitiveness inside guilds. Now you won't just have to grind for repair gold, buff foods, reputation, mounts, flasks, gear, get all the addons you can and scan Elitist Jerks every week for the latest changes to DPS rotations in your class to get a raiding spot, you'll ALSO have to grind guild rep by doing quests and PVP so your Guild Leader can grab some nice stuff and give it to his brown nosing pals. No thanks. Expand
    • 1 of 1 users said yes

See all 319 User Reviews

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