5 December 2011 1:01 PM, PST | Deadline TV | See recent Deadline TV news »

Updated: Has Aaron Sorkin’s upcoming HBO drama series, known as More As This Story Develops gotten an official title? That’s according to an HBO-related site, which says the show will be titled Newsroom. That indeed is the top choice for a title but it has not been cleared, so it is not clear if it will work. The site provides two snippets of dialogue from the project, which stars Jeff Daniels as Ubs primetime host Will McCallister and Law & Order‘s Sam Waterston as Ubs News president Charlie Skinner. In one scene, a talented young producer who was brought over to Ubs from CNN realizes that his new job may not be as secure as he thought it was. “Okay, I’m calling Jim Walton and begging for a job.” Here is an exchange between Will and Charlie from another scene: Will: Charlie, I can’t go after Halliburton and miss. »


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