02Dec 2011

Half-Life 3 logo apparently outed by random "Valve employee" T-shirt

First glimpse of Gordon Threeman? Or Valve having a laugh?

A T-shirt bearing what appears to be a Half-Life 3 logo has been spotted at a "developer event". Get your salt-shaker and give this news piece a good seasoning before reading on.

The T-shirt was photographed by Chandana Ekanayak, art director and executive producer at Super Monday Night Combat developer Uber Entertainment.

Ekanayak wrote on Twitter "all I'm saying is I saw this at a local game developer event worn by a Valve employee", adding the very sensible hashtag #ValveTrolling. Keep your right eyebrow sceptically arched.

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That's a fresh look, playa.
There's been increasing speculation over whether Valve's third Half-Life game will appear on current generation consoles, linked to speculation over the fate of Half-Life 2: Episode 3. The company's head scribe Chet Falisek told reporters he wasn't "prepared to talk about Half-Life: Episode 3" in February. Valve skipped E3 this year, killing hopes of a surprise reveal.

What's your take on this? We think a Half-Life 3 troll would be pushing the boundaries, even for a publisher as eccentric as Valve. Plenty of aggrieved Half-Life 2: Episode 2 fans out there...


11 comments so far...


  2. That sounded very enthusiastic I was a late comer to the half life franchise playing half life 2 before number one and enjoyed the campaign and different environments as well as the limitless supply of weapons might just fire up my steam version later. :)

  3. I reckon fake... the '3' in the place where Lambda should be isn't the same as the '3' at the end of Half-Life 3. Rookie mistake!

  4. Shouldn't they be getting around to releasing HL2: Episode 3 before starting on HL3? After all, people have been waiting for it for four f***ing years! :lol:

  5. Shouldn't they be getting around to releasing HL2: Episode 3 before starting on HL3? After all, people have been waiting for it for four f***ing years! :lol:

    Halflife 2 episode 1 and 2 were regrettably called as such by valve, they have since gone on to say they should have named them HL 3 episode 1 + 2, it is likely the next HL will be HL3 or HL Episode 3.

  6. Ah, didn't know that. It may be sacrilege to say this, but I can't get farther than the buggy section in HL2 without getting bored. If Valve announce a release date, I might start it again and hopefully Portal won't tempt me away.

  7. Ah, didn't know that. It may be sacrilege to say this, but I can't get farther than the buggy section in HL2 without getting bored. If Valve announce a release date, I might start it again and hopefully Portal won't tempt me away.

    To be honest, HL1 was amazing, HL2 was absolutely brilliant... once. I never got the urge to replay it, I only want a third so I can wrap up the story, at least, I think there's a story. The puzzles were great, but like portal; once you know it takes the edge off its brilliance.

    There's a buggy section in HL2 which precedes a walking section where if you stand on the sand you get raped. There's one in Episode 2 where you are chased by a helicopter/gunship... again... without spoiling them, which are you stuck on? I find just driving through is better than dillydallying (that's a word spellcheck?) in both sections.

  8. I mean Half-Life 2 not Episode 2. I played it on Xbox, turned the buggy over and couldn't figure out how to turn it back. Played it again on the Orange Box and just kept getting killed by the Antlions, so gave up.

    I adored Half-Life on the PC and played it over and over, probably because it was the only game I could play on my s***ty PC at the time. :lol: But HL2 didn't seem to have the same magic for me. I've said several times that Valve should put HL: Source on XBLA, don't know why it wasn't in the Orange Box to be honest. Finally getting the rocket launcher and blowing up that helicopter is one of the best moments in gaming. :D

  9. Why does the 3 have to mean Half-Life 3 and not episode 3! Just a thought after all they have released pictures on Gordon in what looks like a snow setting, so I'd be more inclined to say the T-shirt is starting the hype machine for episode 3, which would be more logical, as it would tie up most of the loose ends. But the thing that I would like to say to Valve is just bring it already! :x

  10. Oh come on. We must all know by now that Valve cannot count to three. They've got HL2, Episode 2, Team Fortress 2, Portal 2, Left 4 Dead 2 and now Dota 2 in the works. You're more likely to get something along the lines of Counter-strike, but even then they've only really released 2 additions of it, original and source. We all might as well wait until they announce half-life 4, because they simply couldn't comprehend the fact that they're was a number after 2 and before 4 which looks like a reversed E.

  11. Oh come on. We must all know by now that Valve cannot count to three. They've got HL2, Episode 2, Team Fortress 2, Portal 2, Left 4 Dead 2 and now Dota 2 in the works. You're more likely to get something along the lines of Counter-strike, but even then they've only really released 2 additions of it, original and source. We all might as well wait until they announce half-life 4, because they simply couldn't comprehend the fact that they're was a number after 2 and before 4 which looks like a reversed E.

    Left "4" dead!

    Maybe, they have a blind spot for 3's?