The OXM Report - Syndicate

EA talks fan reaction, co-op and customisation

EA's Syndicate is among this year's most controversial reboots - a full-body first-person shooter, light-years away from the top-down strategy classics.

Go hands on, however, and you'll discover that the now-3D world is every bit as dark and delicious as the murky isometric environments of yore - just better framed and more detailed. You'll also discover that the new Syndicate's an uncommonly good post-future blaster, with a sturdy frame of secondary abilities (in this case, wireless hacking programmes) to bolster the thrill of ADS.

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That's Miles Kilo in the middle, Syndicate's main man.
Having taken a turn at the controller, Matt accosted producer Jeff Gamon to discuss how EA thinks the remake's going down, what separates co-op from the campaign, and whether all that shoving cybernetic spanners down people's ear canals is strictly necessary. The result: another helping of The OXM Report.

Check Xbox Live later this evening for the follow-up, in which Mike speaks to Ubisoft about Rainbow 6: Patriots. Here's our most recent Syndicate preview.


1 comments so far...

  1. Syndicate does look good but will it top deus ex :?: