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Innsbruck Winter Youth Olympic Games
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ATR datebook

Youth Olympic Games
Innsbruck   01/13/2012 - 01/22/2012

Pin Trading Meeting
London   01/21/2012 - 01/21/2012

Yonex All England Open Badminton Championships
United Kingdom   03/06/2012 - 03/11/2012

World Men's Curling Championship 2012
Basel, Switzerland   03/31/2012 - 04/08/2012

Olympic Qualifiers for the Americas
Medellin, Colombia   04/17/2012 - 04/22/2012
The Telegraph -- London 2012 Olympics: Lord Moynihan says hosting Games will help rebuild broken Britain - 08/29/2011 In an opinion article published today on the US-based website Moynihan said "London has had its wake up call ....

The Moscow News -- Russia considers New Olympic Bid - 08/01/2011 Alexander Zhukov, head of Russia’s Olympic Committee, told Around the Rings, the official Olympic news site, that the country believes major events play a vital role in improving the quality of life for all Russians.