  • Publisher: nocanwin
  • Release Date: May 25, 2010
Cubed Rally Racer Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critics What's this?

  • Summary: Cubed Rally Racer is an 3d isometric rally car racing game where each level is randomly generated. Race around the track collecting gas/boost cans trying to get the best time. Think Dirt meets RC Pro-Am meets Canabalt. * Over 40 different types of sections! * Thousands of possible track combinations! * Challenge friends to beat your time on any level using OpenFeint's challenge system. * 8bit style 3d graphics. * Configurable controls. * Track elements such as: Curves, Jumps, Whoops, Walls, Ships, Gophers and Cows! * Randomly generated levels! * Facebook and Twitter integration! * Unlock up to 99 sections! * OpenFeint Leaderboard and Achievements! * Ghost car shows the best time! * and MORE! Isometric rally car racing at it's finest. What are you waiting for! Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Mar 6, 2011
    A sweet combination of random track generation, old-school graphics, and irresistible "race again" temptation make this a fun title that keeps fresh try after try.
  2. Feb 25, 2011
    The controls may be a tad too finicky for players who weren't around for racing games before the advent of analog controls, but if you loved RC Pro-Am, Rock n' Roll Racing, and the many other similar games of the era, Cubed Rally Racer will become your de facto "I have two minutes what should I play?" game.
  3. Feb 25, 2011
    Cubed Rally Racer looks like an experiment for testing Unity3d rather than a finished and polished game. The colourful graphics, the retro style feeling and the randomness of the tracks are totally ruined by the awful and frustrating control schemes. The OpenFeint integration is fine but we miss the lack of a real multiplayer mode.

See all 7 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of
  2. Mixed: 0 out of
  3. Negative: 0 out of
  1. Metascore: 96
  2. Metascore: 94
  3. Metascore: 90
  4. Metascore: 88
  5. Metascore: 87
  6. Metascore: 87
  7. Metascore: 87
  8. Metascore: 87
  9. Metascore: 87
  10. Metascore: 86
  11. Metascore: 86
  12. Metascore: 86
  13. Metascore: 85
  14. Metascore: 83
  15. Metascore: 80
  16. Metascore: 71