23Nov 2011

Soul Calibur meets Bayonetta in utterly fabulous collaboration

Namco's brawler gets a splash of PlatinumGames

Namco has released a brace of new Soul Calibur 5 screenshots, showing off new character skins and artworks created by Bayonetta character designer Mari Shimazaki. They're... astonishing. For the first time in her life, Ivy looks over-dressed.

The costumes fall within the familiar Soul Calibur "display female anatomy to absurd advantage" remit, but they're a grown-up kind of provocative, closer to Arkham City's Harley Quinn than the bondage bikinis and armoured skirts of the standard wardrobe.

Take a look. We have our doubts about how much Soul Calibur 5 differs from Soul Calibur 4, but you can't argue with furry collars.


5 comments so far...

  1. BOOOOOOO to misleading article titles. I honestly thought this was an announcement that Bayonetta was going to be a character in Soul Calibur :(

  2. Yep, they got me with it too. I'd guessed bayonetta in the competition a while ago - she'd be a great fit i reckon, so long as they left the horrific music out! :D

  3. Sorry chaps, it was honestly unintentional. To rub salt in the wounds, I believe Namco and Capcom were talking about Bayonetta in Soul Calibur not so long ago...

  4. I'm not angry, just disappointed.... :wink:

  5. Good to see Ivy is still vulnerable to a stabbing in the chest, wouldn't want things to be too easy for her or anything. I suppose she needs them peeking out to distract her male foes?

    Anyway, the costumes do look fancy, but struggling to get excited about this game still, probably because I'm too button-bashy for beat-em-ups.