
City & State or ZIP Tonight, this weekend, May 5th...
City & State or ZIP
City & State or ZIP Tonight, this weekend, May 5th...
City & State or ZIP

May I have your attention, please?

Sometimes the dating scene can be like sliding doors. We are constantly passing one another, rarely slowing down long enough to connect. What does it take to get the attention of someone you like? How do you get the “right” kind of attention?

When you don’t have a lot of confidence, it isn’t always easy to get the attention of someone you are interested in. If you are shy, especially a shy woman, it’s particularly difficult to stand out from the crowd. What get a man’s attention?

Ladies, what turns your head and get’s you interested?

When was the last time someone got your attention and made you take notice? What did they say or do to make you perk up?

Happy Friday!

By Wise Diva, Misadventures in Atlanta Dating Blog

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What happened to chivalry?

There is this perception that women today are treated with less chivalry. I always consider chivalry another form of kindness. I am optimistic and a bit of a romantic, so I don’t like the idea that women are treated with less kindness in today’s society.

When I am on Marta, I still see men giving up their seats to women and children. I still notice men taking up for their women if they notice any signs of disrespect. So when people ask what happened to chivalry, I like to answer with another question: What happened to kindness?

Do you believe that we are generally less kind to one another? If women are treated with less chivalry, do you think men are less appreciated?

How do you define chivalry? Do you think it is necessary and needed?

By Wise Diva, Misadventures in Atlanta Dating Blog

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Dating: Ready to meet family?

A lot of new couples find out just how serious things are this time of year. When it is time to decide where you two will spend the holidays – together or apart, things get pretty clear.

Some people place a lot of meaning in meeting family members. If you are not invited to Thanksgiving dinner, should you be worried?

It depends, really! I believe that when the time is right, you will meet the family of the person you are seeing. It should not happen before you both feel ready to meet family.

I think that the important thing to remember is when and if you meet someone’s family, you have to be your authentic self. Don’t pretend to be someone you aren’t to impress them. Family members can spot a fake person from a mile away. Well, my family members can!

What do you think is important to know when you are ready to meet the family?

Have you ever dated someone who did not introduce you to their family? I know someone who dated a young woman for years and never met her …

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Dating: It’s not personal

No one likes to be rejected. Unfortunately, it is a part of dating. It happens to everyone and the size of your ego determines how you are going to handle it when it happens. We try to tell ourselves that we are resilient, but every now and kind of stings.

When you devote a lot of energy and effort to a budding romance and things fade to black, fizzle out, or worse they “trade up” to someone else, it’s hard not to take it personal!

How do you keep things in perspective when you feel slighted? Does it become easier to deal with rejection if you keep your ego in check?

How do you keep your ego in check when dating?

By Wise Diva, Misadventures in Atlanta Dating Blog

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Dating Dilemma: Hung up on the ex

I know there is this dating rule that you should not talk about your ex on the first date. Now, I wonder if it is better to bring the ex up – so you would know early of possible unfinished business!

I know we all are rebounding from someone when we meet someone new. I just wonder what a reasonable amount of talking about “the ex” is and when does it become a sign of unresolved feelings?

When you get the feeling that someone you are seeing is hung up on their ex, do you think it is good to confront them? Does it do any good to bring it up or should you ignore it – hoping you will eventually make them forget?

How do you know when you are competing with the ex? Do you think we often compare our new relationship last with our most recent relationships? Does that mean we still have feelings for them?

By Wise Diva, Misadventures in Atlanta Dating Blog

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Dating: Are you open-minded?

My friend Dawn recently went out with an artist. She had a really good time on the date but she was a little surprised that he told her that she was not open-minded. He told her that based on her outlook sex, politics, religion, etc., he considered her someone who has a narrow view of the world.

Compatibility is important but how important is being open-minded? Do you consider yourself to be someone is open-minded?

When you think of your dating history, does it reflect that you are open to different types or have you generally focused on one particular type? Could you benefit from being more open-minded in dating?

Happy Friday!

By Wise Diva, Misadventures in Atlanta Dating Blog

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Are we too quick to marry?

What is an acceptable amount of time to date before you should get engaged? I ask because a lot of the couples that I meet tell me that they met, dated, and got engaged in the span of 2 years. It’s rare that I see a couple with a long courtship or engagement. Do you think we are getting married too soon?

Perhaps part of the reason is that a lot of us are waiting until we get older to marry? Does a longer courtship or engagement mean you give your marriage a better chance of survival?

If you are married or was married before, how long did you date before getting engaged? How long before you tied the not?

What are the pros and cons of short courtships?

How long would you wait for an engagement to happen?

By Wise Diva, Misadventures in Atlanta Dating Blog

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Are you chasing the wrong one?

It’s quite perplexing how we sometimes get caught up in the wrong person. It seems as if we are more attracted to the people who give us mixed signals – or worse, no signals at all. Why do we tend to give people more effort than they ever give us?

When you figure out that it’s all a game to the “elusive” one, you can move on to someone who is consistent and genuine. So, how do you know if you are chasing the wrong one?

I think it comes down to reciprocity. When you are the only one putting in the work – that’s your answer. Be warned though, the really slick ones can sometimes pretend that they are interested just enough to keep you in the loop.

Have you ever noticed a pattern of being attracted to people who don’t show real interest? Is it a bad dating habit that you need to break?

By Wise Diva, Misadventures in Atlanta Dating Blog

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Do women audition to be a wife?

A lot of my male friends want to “see” that a woman can come home, cook, and be all domesticated. To them, this is the sign of a mature woman ready to be a wife (I’m not kidding, I have heard this repeatedly.)

I always ask my guy friends to cut their dates some slack when it comes to this. Just because a single woman is out on the town, traveling around, and enjoying her carefree life, doesn’t mean she can’t make room for him.

I hear a lot of men say that girlfriends audition to become wives. Is that really necessary, though? I’d argue that it is not important to show and prove domestic abilities, but perhaps I’m missing something.

If women audition to be a wife, are men put through the same scrutiny to be a husband?

Do men expect wifely duties from girlfriends and significant others?

Do women look to their boyfriends to do husband things?

By Wise Diva, Misadventures in Atlanta Dating Blog

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Dating: Ready to hear the magic number?

The next time you get the crazy idea to bring up the “magic number”, really think carefully if it’s worth it. It is important to have an honest discussion about your partner’s sexual health, but too much detail could end up being problematic.

I know we all say we are mature enough to handle info about our partner’s past, but the reality is, that’s not always the case. One thing we seem to get hung up on is not knowing about the context of the number. You wonder if there were multiple relationships or multiple hook-ups – or both. As soon as we get the digits (digit?), we start doing the mental math of how many partners, per year of sexual activity.

The number starts doing a number on the relationship and then there is trouble in paradise. I have seen it happen a lot! So are you really ready to talk about the magic number or do you just think you are?

How do you handle the discussion of the magic number? Do you opt for full disclosure or do you go the “need to know” …

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