Civility Now--Redux

Although I haven't posted recently for a number of reasons, I felt compelled after the Arizona shootings to go back and re-post an entry I wrote over four months ago. This is not meant to pat myself on the back or say "I told you so". It just seems to be more true now that ever. Bear in mind this was written during the heat of an election season, so some of it may seem dated, but the message remains.

Civility Now

While I mostly confine myself to politics or news, this time I will address something that has troubled me for many months. Civility, and honest debate has completely given way to venom and, in some case, downright hatred in politics, and everyone is guilty.  Those who bear the brunt of the blame--Cable TV News.

 It's easy to blame Fox News and the right, but it most certainly goes both ways. While I do not like what I see, and hear, on Fox News, I can honestly say the banter, and spin on MSNBC going totally to the left also rubs me the wrong way.

 It's no secret, I'm a liberal. I can admit that with no problem. In fact, with only a few exceptions I can recall, most folks I know who spent any time at all in the News business will admit to that same leftward bent. That being said I will also say I was never ever instructed what to report, cover, or write once a story was assigned to me. If there were meetings of the dreaded "Liberal Media" I was never invited!

 But, even my pinko leftist views are shocked and appalled by what constitutes news on cable TV outlets. The standard rap against Fox is well known, so I won't rehash old news and views except to say it hasn't gotten any better, and anytime you need to tell us you're "fair and balanced", you probably aren't. Skewering someone just because they're a Democrat is not good journalism.

I actually was quite a fan of Keith Olbermann and MSNBC for a while. But the totally self righteous indignation of Olbermann, and his colleagues, (are you listening Chris Matthews?) just totally turn me off. I understand ego, and self-confidence, but to allow one man to turn an entire hour into a rant is just too much. Even the venerated Edward R. Murrow knew when to shut up. Murrow, and producer Fred Friendly were masters of using a brand new medium to it's highest potential. Now TV and sadly digital media are being peddled to the lowest common denominator.

I expect it's just a matter of time before Snooki has a show on either FOX News or MSNBC. We're nearly at that level now.


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1 year ago

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