
Street Fighter X Tekken release date announced

Speaking at Comic-Con in New York last week, Street Fighter X Tekken producer Yoshinori Ono revealed that the game will hit North American shelves on March 6 next year. The game will launch in Europe shortly after on March 9.

As well as the release dates, Ono also confirmed that a special edition of the game will be available in the US which includes a build-it-yourself arcade cabinet (unfortunately, it's not full size, but still a good 5" high when constructed).

Also included in the special edition, are 45 gems - nine of which are exclusive - which form part of a newly revealed Gem System.

According to Capcom's blog, the Gem System is "an all-new customizable power-up system that creates an exciting way for everyone to experience the Street Fighter and Tekken fighting systems. Choose from dozens of Gems that modify characters' abilities and stats. Check out the new trailer that sheds light on this new way to experience fighting games."

Watch the trailer below for more on this new mechanic.

Finally, Ono confirmed that a PC version of the game is in development, alongside the already announced Xbox 360, PS3 and Vita versions.

Source: Capcom Unity blog