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Scottish accent leaves iPhone lost for words

Whit's that yeh said? The iPhone 4S struggles with Scottish
Robert Galbraith/Reuters
  • Whit's that yeh said? The iPhone 4S struggles with Scottish
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    Whit's that yeh said? The iPhone 4S struggles with Scottish Robert Galbraith/Reuters

To its admirers, the talking Apple iPhone 4S is a miracle. In the sweetest of American-English voices, it will help to find a restaurant or order a cab — unless you have a Scottish accent.

A number of Apple customers north of the Border have been bamboozled by Siri, the iPhone’s voice recognition software. Simple words in a broad accent confound the phone and exasperate the user. One Glaswegian, who habitually signed off with “Cheers” was stunned when it became “Chairs”. And “Can you get me a fish supper on the way home?” prompts: “Jayne, I don’t understand ‘rubber fissionable’.”


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