Colton Spring (CS) in Long Valley Caldera

Site type: Spring
Station identifier: CS (Colton Spring)
USGS station number: 373821118531901 Latitude: 37°38'21" (NAD27)
Longitude: 118°53'19" (NAD27)
Altitude: 7,200 ft above sea level (NGVD29)

Photo of Colton Spring (CS) in Long Valley caldera, California.

Colton Spring. Notice the orifice at the upper right near wooden sign, and the
weir for measuring discharge at the lower left. Photo by C. Farrar, c. 1987.

CS was a boiling spring where discharge measurements and water quality sampling were done prior to 1991, when geothermal production at Ormat-Mammoth Pacific's Casa Diablo tripled, drying up the spring. Discharge was measured using a 45° V-notch. Using this approach, we carefully monitor the hot spring conditions, which is a window into the shallow hydrothermal system. Colton Spring. Notice the orifice at the upper right near wooden sign, and the weir for measuring discharge at the lower left. Photo by C. Farrar, c. 1987.

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