Casa Diablo Fumarole (CDF) in Long Valley Caldera

Site type: Fumarole
Station identifier: CDF (Clay Diablo Fumarole)
USGS station number: none
Latitude: 37°38'50" (NAD27)
Longitude: 118°54'22" (NAD27)
Altitude: 7,390 ft above sea level (NGVD29)

Photo of Mammoth Mountain Fumarole (MMF) in Long Valley caldera, California.

Casa Diablo Fumarole. Photo taken by C. Farrar, December 1982.

CDF is a fumarole in the Casa Diablo area, near the intersection of U.S. Highway 395 and State Highway 203. Vent temperature is measured a few times each year, has remained fairly stable between 92 and 94 degrees, and is the hottest of the 5 fumaroles that are monitored in the Long Valley caldera. Gas chemistry has been collected on several occasions (Farrar and others, 1985). Vent gas temperature and chemistry of CDF are monitored because changes in characteristics of CDF may indicate a change in the volcanic system.

CDF on Maps

10 meter resolution digital elevation model:

Plots and Data from CDF

References cited

Farrar, C.D., Sorey, M.L., Rojstaczer, S., Janik, C.J., Mariner, R.H., Winnett, T.L., and Clark, M.D., 1985, Hydrologic and geochemical monitoring in Long Valley Caldera, Mono County, California, 1982-1984: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations 85-4183, 137 p.