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Memeo Memeo
    • The Ultimate Google Docs Experience

      Bring Google Docs files to your Desktop, iPad & iPhone

    • Desktop Computer

      Memeo Connect Betalets you upload, sync, and edit your Google Docs files on multiple devices.
    • Click on your device to learn more:

    • Memeo Connect™ Beta for Google Apps is a service that empowers Google Docs. It allows users to upload, sync, edit and share any document on Google Docs, even when you are offline. Memeo utilizes a feature called Memeo GDrive™ which allows you to access these files anytime and from anywhere. The Memeo GDrive looks and acts like a physical drive on your computer and is integrated with your local file system. You can drag and drop files into it and save files to Memeo GDrive directly from within any application. Any files that are added to the Memeo GDrive will automatically appear in Memeo Connect as well as in Google Docs. Best of all Memeo Connect works with the ecosystem of devices that you already use including your Mac or PC desktop, an iPhone or your iPad. Whether you are a business, a business professional or a consumer, Memeo Connect for Google Apps is a great way to extend the power of Google Docs for the ultimate Google Docs experience.