

Rise Of Nightmares review

Kinect gets mature with its first horror action game, but its ambition seems to defeat its interface.

Rise Of Nightmares

Rise Of Nightmares is Sega’s test to see if there’s an audience for violent, subversive firstperson hacking and slashing using Kinect. There’s a haunted forest, a haunted castle and more walking dead than you can bludgeon with an iron pipe; it’s just a shame the act of bludgeoning is so tiresome.

On a mission to rescue a damsel in distress, you take on the role of everyman Josh – victim of a derailed train in the Romanian countryside and, fortunately, a dab hand with anything sharp and heavy.

Rise Of Nightmares is a dedicated Kinect firstperson action game. As a result it’s both commendably ambitious and frustratingly inconsistent. Locomotion requires stepping forward or back, turning requires a rotation of the shoulders, and attacks are conducted with a boxing stance. It’s initially awkward, at times painful, but after a couple of hours the game’s rhythm of kill-kill-open-door sets in and you’re able to find a comfort zone. Turning never feels intuitive, however, making for frequent impalements on wall spikes in some of the game’s booby-trapped scenarios. Overall level design is basic enough to accommodate your poor mobility, though, and the few puzzle rooms are simple enough to break up the relentless limb removal.

Rise Of Nightmares

Melee combat is the meat of the experience, with the game’s armoury built mostly of blades, pipes, chainsaws and whirling blades. And the weapons make short work of the shambling enemies, dispatching them in some gruesome displays of bloodletting. The monotony and aches of swiping set in after the first hour, and the in-game prompt to “take a break” is one best heeded. The core challenge stems from the wearing down of weapons, and often your priority is to get to the nearest sharp thing before you’re throttled by one of the shuffling corpses.

The game engine delivers scale and detail with equal competence, but the overall visual similarity to AM1’s House Of The Dead series gives you a distinct sense of playing an unused map from the franchise, minus the trigger-happy joys of lightguns and headshots. The bottom line is that Rise Of Nightmares isn’t as engaging or exciting as AM1’s established brand. It’s also too adult in its content to appeal to the younger users who might enjoy its gimmicky use of Kinect. With a tone somewhere between House Of The Dead: Overkill and Condemned, Rise Of Nightmares doesn’t beg to be taken too seriously with its hackneyed script, bloody laughs and bare-bones action. The incompatibility of Kinect with AM1’s ambition, however, is no laughing matter. [4]


Diluted Dante's picture

So, they should just have made House of the Dead: Mike Tyson Edition.

Vagn Henning's picture

So you're saying this game is 33% better than Dead Island?

Diluted Dante's picture


Ergotalk's picture

How did you get that figure?

Ergotalk's picture

Nevermind, I got it.....

Shenmue's picture

Kinect was built for the causal gamer. It cannot be adapted to entertain a core gamer. The lack of analogue sticks is the number one problem with Kinect.

Vagn Henning's picture

I thought it was the lack of buttons :-)

tordonero's picture

Guys, you are both wrong, it's the lack of the D-Pad! :-P

fatherofthenoo's picture

Immersive gaming still has a long way to go. The more we physically become a part of the game, the less control we have over it. Until we get plugged into the Matrix, we will probably never reach full immersion coupled with full control..

meltedcd's picture

Wait so you hate Dead Islandd because it's just swinging a weapon around but you like this game because it's doing just that?

ArronC07's picture

It got a 4 and Dead Island got 3, they just hated this game less.

Diluted Dante's picture

No, they hated Dead Island because it was a broken mess. Condemned got a 7 I believe, and Left 4 Dead 2 a 9 so melee combat clearly isn't an issue. Crap games are.

fatherofthenoo's picture


brandonplenn's picture

I bought Rise of Nightmares at for 29.99! This site has a lot of great deals, and I buy all my games from here!
Go check it out!;=14220271&i;=B004XIQMS4&x;=Rise_of_Nightmares