WCL syntax categories
I/O, Modules and System Interface


Files can be read one expression at a time : read(p:port) reads the next CLAIRE expression on the port p or, in a single step, load(s:string) reads the file associated to the string s and evaluates it. It returns true when no problem occurred while loading the file and false otherwise. A variant of this method is the method sload(s:string) which does the same thing but prints the expression read and the result of their evaluation. Another variant is the method oload(s:string) which does the same thing but substitute an optimized form to each method's body. This may hinder the inspection of the code at the toplevel, but it will increase the efficiency of the interpreter.

Files may contain comments. A comment is anything that follows a // until the end of the line. When reading, the CLAIRE reader will ignore comments (they will not be read and hence not evaluated). For instance :
 x :+ 1// increments x by 1
To insure compatibility with earlier versions, CLAIRE also recognizes lines that begin with ';' as comments. Conversely, CLAIRE also support the C syntax for block comments: anything between /* and */ will be taken as a comment. Comments in CLAIRE may become active comments that behave like trace statements if they begin with [<level>] (see appendix B). The global variable NeedComment may be turned to true (it is false by default) to tell the reader to place any comment found before the definition of a class or a method in the comment slot of the associated CLAIRE object.

The second type of special instructions are immediate conditionals. An immediate conditional is defined with the same syntax as a regular conditional but with a #if instead of an if :
 #if <test> <expression>
     < else <expression> >opt 
When the reader finds such an expression, it evaluates the test. If the value is true, then the reader behaves as if it had read the first expression, otherwise it behaves as if it had read the second expression (or nothing if there is no else). This is useful for implementing variants (such as debugging versions). For instance :

 #if debug printf("the value of x is ~S"x)
Note that the expression can be a block (within parentheses) which is necessary to place a definition (like a rule definition) inside a #if. Last, there exists another pre-processing directive for loading a file within a file: #include(s) loads the file as if it was included in the file in which the #include is read.

There are a few differences between CLAIRE and C++ or Java parsing that need to be underlined :