California Emergency Management Agency


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Statewide Operations Division --> Recovery


The California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA) responds to and aids in the recovery from emergencies within the State of California under the authorities of the California Emergency Services Act (ESA), the California Disaster Assistance Act (CDAA), the federal Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, and other legislation.

Within Cal EMA, the Recovery Branch is responsible for managing disaster recovery and providing assistance to local governments and individuals impacted by disasters. The Recovery Branch ensures that state and federal support are provided in an efficient and timely manner throughout the recovery process. The Recovery Branch acts as the grantee for federally funded disaster assistance programs, as grantor for the state CDAA program, and coordinates recovery assistance for individuals, businesses and the agricultural community. The Recovery Branch provides technical support to reduce the costs and streamline the process of future recovery efforts. Additionally, the Recovery Branch ensures that proposed recovery projects are reviewed for environmental concerns and that historical preservation activities are considered.

In support of these responsibilities, the Recovery Branch performs extensive liaison activities with local, state and federal agencies, legislators, various volunteer and nonprofit organizations, as well as the general public. The Recovery Branch emphasizes recovery preparedness through the coordination of recovery planning efforts, the development of recovery training programs and the involvement in emergency management exercises and drills.

Please visit the specific program and section website below for the detail information.

Disaster Recovery Fact Sheet

Public Assistance (PA)
The Public Assistance Section provides assistance to state agencies, local governments, special districts and eligible private nonprofit organizations that have been impacted by a disaster to achieve a safer future for all California communities. The Public Assistance Section ensures that state and federal support are provided to applicants in an efficient and timely manner in order to assist in recovery from a major disaster or emergency.

Individual Assistance (IA)
The Individual Assistance Section coordinates with federal, state, local, and voluntary/nonprofit entities to provide recovery assistance following a disaster that impacts individuals and households, businesses, and/or the agricultural community in the State of California.

Grants Processing (GP)
Grants Processing Section provides a broad range of services relating to financial and administrative requirements of the Public Assistance (PA) Disaster Grant, California Disaster Assistance Act (CDAA), Fire Management Assistance Grant (FMAG), Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG), and Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant (HMEP) Programs.

Technical Assistance Programs (TAP)
Technical Assistance Programs (TAP) works on issues that require a degree of technical expertise that may not be available within other discipline areas at Cal EMA. TAP provides these services internally within Cal EMA, and externally (other state agencies, local government, and when appropriate the private sector).