
Frequently Asked Questions

This section contains answers to frequently asked questions addressed to Natural Resources Canada.

Accessibility Help

While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accessibility of this site, some content or services found here might be inaccessible to some visitors. In these circumstances, the contact information for someone who can assist you has been provided.

File types

Most content is available in XHTML format (like this page). Many documents are also available in their original format:

PDF — Portable Document Format. To access these files you must have a PDF reader installed. If you do not already have such a reader, there are numerous PDF readers available for free download or for purchase on the Internet:

PPT — Microsoft PowerPoint format. To access these files you will need PowerPoint Presentation Viewer.

RTF — Rich Text Format. To access these files use the document conversion features available in most word processing software, or use a file viewer capable of reading RTF.

Accessing secure locations with Internet Explorer Version 6 (IE6)

If your browser is Internet Explorer 6, you may have trouble accessing any secure location on this Web site. You can access these locations using the following steps:

In IE6, select Tools –> Click Internet Options –> Click on the Advanced tab –> Go to the Security section –> Check Use TLS 1.0 –> Click Apply –> Click OK.

For this change to take effect, you will need to close and reopen Internet Explorer. You can then retry the link to the secure location.


What is RSS?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a useful tool for keeping up-to-date on your favourite Web sites.  Updates on the site are broadcast to subscribers through an RSS feed. Sign up for an RSS and a message will appear in your feed reader every time new information is added to the relevant section of the Natural Resources Canada web site.  When an update is sent out, it includes a headline and a small amount of text, either a summary or a lead-in into larger text.

RSS readers quickly update you on the latest additions to you favourite or most checked web sites, saving you from constantly visiting a web site to check for updated content.

When you find a web site you would like to add to your aggregator, you can do so in one of two ways.  Most sites that offer an RSS feed have an RSS or XML button on their homepage that you can click on to instantly add that feed to your aggregator.  Depending on your aggregator, you may instead need to copy and paste the URL and the feed into the program.

Whichever option you chose, the feed will be available as soon as you’ve added it, and your next update could arrive at any given moment.  If you decide that you no longer want to receive updates, simply delete the feed or URL from your aggregator.

How do I use RSS?

The basic process is as follows:

  • Your web browser may already support RSS feeds. If so, simply click on the RSS link to subscribe to the feed.
  • Alternatively, you may download / subscribe to a free RSS reader or purchase one of your choice instead.
  • Copy and paste the URL of the feed into the appropriate field of the RSS feed reader.

RSS Readers

There are numerous RSS Readers available for free download or for purchase on the Internet. Referring links to web sites not under the control of the Government of Canada are provided solely for the convenience of users. The Government of Canada is not responsible for the accuracy, currency or the reliability of the content nor does it endorse the sites and their content. (see also Important Notices)