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coming to AmeriManga this winter
'warmth' is the story of disillusioned young man who leaves the States after a bitter break up and finds himself working odd jobs in the chilly city of Sendai, Japan. Unwilling to go home any time soon, and settled into a kind of quiet exile, he has an unusual run in with a quiet girl at the train station who always seems to be freezing. A more serious love story that 'Megatokyo', 'warmth' has an engaging cast of characters who have enough troubles just dealing with the in between days of life. 'warmth' premiers in March 2002 in I.C. Entertainment's 'AmeriManga' collection - 20 to 25 pages per month. For more information, please visit the warmth website.

added:  november 30.02
content:  monthly printed work, support website


relax, we understand j00
Piro (avid anime/manga/dating sim fan) and Largo (hard-core gamer/l33th4x0rm4st3r) fly to Japan on a whim and find themselves stranded, unable to afford the trip home. In their struggles to find places to crash and money for tickets home, we experience Tokyo from their unique and drastically different points of view. Megatokyo is a free online web comic/manga with new comics every monday, wednesday, friday of every week. It has grown into one of the most popular online comics on the web, with a community large enough to wreak havoc on the poor servers hosting it. The first print collection of Megatokyo went to press in December of 2002.

added:  november 30.02
content:  online comic, printed collections, fan community, store


a true love story 2 doujinshi
This the first work that I had done using multiple frames to tell a story. Using the format of an illustrated story, 'envelope' tells the story of how a misplaced envelope and love letter causes confusion between childhood friends who never really understood how much they meant to each other before. Originally published as part of the MJ-12 Doujin Circle collection for summer 1999 in partnership with my friend Tsubasa, i have made the entire work available for viewing online.

added:  noevember 30.02
content:  sketch, english, japanese, TLS2


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