Latest update: 26/09/2011 
- euro - Libya - Tony Blair - Vladimir Putin

Batman returns to Russia
Monday's international papers look at the French senatorial shift to the left, Libya, Putin's return to the top job in Russia, and whether the eurozone financial apocalypse might already have arrived.
By Elena CASAS

The French senate shifting to the left is so significant, it's even made it into the New York Times.

That paper is also analysing why it is so hard to unify Libya.

Tony Blair is under pressure again in the Guardian - this time over his links to Gaddafi, and whether his paid work for investment banks conflicts with his role as Middle East envoy.

That paper is also looking at what Putin's now almost certain return to Russia's top job will mean for the country.

The Huffington Post says the eurozone financial apocalypse has already arrived - whilst the Irish Independent claims that the government is already preparing its way out of the euro zone.


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