Latest update: 22/09/2011 
- French elections - French politics - Greece - Marine Le Pen - National Front party (France)

Le Pen: 'The US model cannot be applied to France'

Le Pen: 'The US model cannot be applied to France'

With exactly seven months to go before the first round of France’s 2012 presidential election, Marine Le Pen, the candidate for the far-right National Front party, delves into issues beyond French borders.

By Joseph BAMAT (text)

Marine Le Pen's ratings have slipped since a shock opinion poll in March placed her ahead of mainstream candidates for the French presidency, but the leader of the anti-immigration National Front could still shake up the vote next April. With exactly seven months to go before the first round of the 2012 elections, only five percentage points separate Le Pen from the incumbent president, Nicolas Sarkozy. FRANCE 24 asked her to weigh in on the issues at the heart of current French politics, but also the events making international headlines.

FRANCE 24: Reacting to a proposal by President Nicolas Sarkozy’s ruling UMP party to have French teenagers and naturalised citizens swear to defend France [an oath resembling the US Pledge of Allegiance], you said yesterday you were “deeply annoyed” by the “Americanization” of French politics. What other ideas or trends are you referring to?


France's president is elected by direct voting for a five year term.

Presidential elections have historically been organised into two rounds. If no candidate wins more than half of all ballots in the first round, voters must pick between the two top candidates in a runoff.

The first round of the next presidential elections in France will be held in April 22, 2012, with a runoff on May 6 if necessary.

Marine Le Pen: I was thinking about the introduction of the guilty plea in our justice system, about the idea circulated a few years ago [by President Sarkozy] to eliminate the role of the investigative judge, which in reality demonstrated the wish to progressively apply the American judicial system to French law. I was thinking about the importation of affirmative action. I think our president has a fascination for the United States and fails to understand that their culture is highly respectable but different from ours. The American model can't be applied to French culture.

F24: What is the best thing France can do to help debt-burdened Greece?

M.L.P.: To organise a prepared exit plan from the eurozone for Greece, and for a number of countries. It seems to me we are heading towards a financial cataclysm and the Greek people are going to be bled to death if we pursue the measures that have been in place for the past few months.

F24: Does France have a responsibility towards Greece?

M.L.P.: All of Europe does, and needs to look with interest at what is happening in Greece. Greece is the cradle of democracy and the cradle of liberties, and to hear today some speak about “putting them under guardianship”, in other words to take away their liberty and sovereignty, that shows that the economic system that has been created by our leaders is crazy. It was a huge error and now we need to close that parenthesis and move on to something else.

F24: What lessons should France draw from revolts in the Arab world?

M.L.P.: The lesson to learn is that there comes a time when a people no longer tolerate corruption, no longer tolerate when their leaders put their personal interests ahead of the collective interest, no longer tolerate the economic decisions that profit a few but hurt the rest. Maybe European leaders should be careful, because the revolutions that rocked the Arab countries could tomorrow reach Europe. I am opposed to armed intervention in a whole series of countries, which could unify several groups against Europe.

Comments (6)

Le Pen and La France

Obsessive French egocentricity (US model cannot be adapted etc) will maintain their slide toward mediocrity and irrelevance.

Le Pen and La France

Obsessive French egocentricity (US model cannot be adapted etc) will maintain their slide toward mediocrity and irrelevance.

Nation-State Mentality

and the rise of nation-state mentality is here. the american model does not apply to france. french model does not apply to america. each nation-state has its own culture, tradition and values. the problem is that the political elite does not respect the nation-states, they think above the nation-state and hence failing to consider and realize the difference of people from different countries. a Straightjacket approach will never work in a diverse society.

American model

Doubt if any intelligent country would want to copy the American system.Only know of one ignorant country in the west IE Britain that is copying the American system.But then its subjects are thick and Ingorant as the American subjects.

Le Pen: 'The US model cannot be applied to France'

I deeply agree that the US model has no place in France and find President Sarkozy's interest in the US enough to keep me from voting in his parties favor. With this said I am still not decided on who to vote for at this point. While this is a great forum to exchange and discuss ideals it would be amazing to meet and speak to the candidates, with so much at stake. I honestly would be happy to be so lucky as to be able to move back home to France...This is a historical time for France to make lasting change for not just France but Europe and I hope we make the correct choices, I guess only time will tell...

Getting it right.

Armed intervention is needed, to establish a sufficiently stable and secure environment that is responsive to international law, in North Africa, etc., so that those who would choose to migrate to France, can now choose to remain at home and develop their emerging democracies. This will also encourage the too many migrants already in France, and of which the FN complain and utilise as a campaign platform, to consider repatriation to a culture that suits them better, and makes it possible for France to recover its culture. It is outrageous that Greece, the fountainhead of western culture politics, philosophy and science has been reduced to such a calamitous state, by the lotus eaters that are the Greek people, with the gall to blame France and Germany for not paying them to do what they please. The best that France can do, is to compel the Greeks to make the necessary adjustments, so that France can invest in Greece, and so provide the private sector employment that the Greeks need.

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