Social Connections

RFI and France 24 Multimedia Studio integrated recently new social functions into the common Drupal structure of the two entities. These functions let the user interact with their Twitter or Facebook accounts. 

But let's see them in detail :

Create easily your account with Facebook and Twitter

Just click on the "Connect with Facebook" or "with Twitter" Button, then log into your account

Create your Club profile by filling a simple form

Your account is up and running on both RFI and France 24
Next time you'll automatically be connected !

See what your "Club" friends read

In a box on the right of each page, you'll see the list of the last articles your friends (on Facebook and Twitter) read
You can deactivate this function in your profile

You can list the last articles one of your friends read in his or her profile

You can also highlight the titles of the articles your friens read
You can activate this function in your profile

Share your point of view

Once you're connected you can comment any article you want in a single click. It's easy and fast.