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Programme Faqs

The following FAQs should answer some of the questions about Time Team commonly asked by viewers.

How does Time Team decide which sites to investigate?

How can I tell Time Team about a possible new site to investigate?

Can I join the Team on a dig?

What is involved in filming Time Team programmes?

Why do Time Team excavations last just three days?

Do you ever 'cheat' and take longer than the three days?

What happens after the three days are up?

Why don't you ever go back to sites again afterwards?

What happens to the finds?

Why does Phil get so upset when Tony asks if it's okay to step in his trench?

How much secrecy is involved in a Time Team dig?

Do you worry that the growing popularity of archaeology, thanks in part to Time Team, may result in enthusiastic, but untrained, amateurs damaging finds and sites?

What computer software do you use in your reconstructions?

Can I get previous Time Team programmes on video?

Who wrote the title music and is it available on CD?

How does Time Team choose which re-enactment societies to include in programmes, and why don't you use them more?

How did Time Team begin?

What did the members of Time Team think about the programme when it first began?

What do the Team think about being famous?

Where is Phil from?

Where did Phil get that hat?

Where does Mick get those jumpers?

How can I find out more about the members of the Team?
