Choiseul Island, Solomon Islands
Choiseul Province


Choiseul Island is 161 km long and approximately 30 km wide (3207 sq km). The Island is located close to Bougainville and is similar culturally.

The summit elevation of Choiseul is Mt Maetambe (1060m) which is an old volcanic cone. The coastline consists of sandy beaches , some marches, and saltwater crocodiles.A hot spring used for cooking is located near Saralata village. A shell currency called Kesa money is still used on Choiseul.

The provincial headquarters are located on Taro Island off the NW coast. The largest village on Choiseul is Sasamungga. Nambusasa village used to have a cargo cult until the 1940's.

Transport to the province is infrequent, so travelers must leave plenty of time for air or sea connections.

Adventure Tours

John Seach has been providing unique tours to the Solomon Islands since 1989.
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